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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Recommendation for MTN Lion Taxidermist?

    I'm sure Clay at Mogollan taxidermy, he's a sponsor on here and does outstanding work.
  2. Hack there dead cows all over up there, hunt over them..
  3. wildwoody

    San Carlos turkey

    It was very dry, birds were silent but callable
  4. wildwoody

    San Carlos turkey

    It was very dry, birds were silent but callable
  5. wildwoody


    Thank you
  6. wildwoody

    San Carlos turkey

    Here is a couple from yesterday.
  7. wildwoody

    San Carlos Turkey Hunt Camp Info

    Here is a couple from yesterday. Double. Not one gobble. 40 birds 12 gobblers, strutting like crazy but not a peep. Thank you to those who gave tips..
  8. wildwoody


    2 and 3 please, if one of those not available the 4
  9. wildwoody

    trphyfshn at SC

    Ill be down turkey hunting, if not hit Roosevelt on the way home.
  10. wildwoody

    trphyfshn at SC

    Is there a good place to bank fish right now..
  11. wildwoody

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    Already is a rich mans sport.
  12. wildwoody

    Muzzle brake ?

    Anyone know if you can add a muzzle brake to a Henry's 45/70 gov. Thats not a X thats already threaded. Lever action. Thanks if so any suggestions where
  13. wildwoody

    Muzzle brake ?

  14. wildwoody

    Muzzle brake ?

    I just bought it. I'm not cool so it doesn't need to look cool, but I've seen manic done before.
  15. wildwoody

    Muzzle brake ?

    Taking them to Canada, and don't want to get blown out of the tree like when I was a kid. Thanks for the great info.
  16. wildwoody

    Muzzle brake ?

    Ya we both need them done, any suggestions on a good muzzle brake gunsmith??
  17. wildwoody

    San Carlos Reservoir since 1990

    I take it bank fishing is pretty good??
  18. wildwoody

    San Carlos Reservoir since 1990

    Anyone here about cars being broken into at the boat ramps??
  19. wildwoody

    Greenworks Electric Go-Kart 60V 2 SEATER 25mph

    Don't tell my grand kids or ill be buying it.
  20. wildwoody

    New World Record Elk out of Washington.

    It may have frequented the neighborhood but wasn't shot there. No different then the elk up here. They move alot. Good for him
  21. wildwoody

    27 late rifle for disabled youth.

    Your gonna be everywhere up there.
  22. wildwoody

    New World Record Elk out of Washington.

    I think he bought it back at auction. Either bull id shoot out of a petting zoo if you'd let me. Lol
  23. wildwoody

    New World Record Elk out of Washington.
