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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Coues Deer summer hide needed

    Very nice buck deer.
  2. wildwoody

    Coues Deer summer hide needed

    Come on, lets see the kill.
  3. wildwoody

    Crossbow permit repeal

  4. wildwoody

    Landowner Tags

    I need one, the dang elk are all over my yard. Butt a no for me..
  5. wildwoody

    Ruger sfar 6.5 creedmoor AR10

    Ill take it.
  6. wildwoody

    Ruger sfar 6.5 creedmoor AR10

    This still avaliable ??
  7. wildwoody

    Best place to buy a new GMC

    Oh it does
  8. wildwoody

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    heck no, I don't eat cats and dogs, and wouldn't even feed a stink pig to my dog either. To each his own. I here skunks taste great.
  9. wildwoody

    Best place to buy a new GMC

    I got a 2024 tundra forsale.
  10. wildwoody

    Timmy Winslow

    Fred don't roll that way. Greedy people do.
  11. wildwoody

    Elk points

    I put in for it every year. Iknow a guy
  12. wildwoody

    Timmy Winslow

    Yes it is, butt?
  13. wildwoody

    Timmy Winslow

  14. wildwoody

    Timmy Winslow

    And from Winslow
  15. wildwoody

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    But Quail on the other hand
  16. wildwoody

    Timmy Winslow

    CJ, not from Winslow
  17. wildwoody

    Timmy Winslow

    6a has some giants, and 22 has pockets for sure. But you got to want it. I go out of state , ill use a guide or bug the crap out of the game and fish. To each his own. Game moves with pressure.
  18. wildwoody

    Timmy Winslow

    Sounds good, ill bring it up to Jum.
  19. wildwoody

    Timmy Winslow

    Redman do you use guides?
  20. wildwoody

    Timmy Winslow

    Its called a scouting package. Sucks but totally legal. I love it when the scout package hunters kill bigger animals then the guided hunters that were with the guides that sold them.
  21. wildwoody

    Crossbow permit repeal

    HAM hunts for all.. Hunting is a privilege not a right..
  22. wildwoody

    Crossbow permit repeal

    No extra time in the season.
  23. wildwoody

    Family Size 5th Wheel

  24. wildwoody

    Wild heritage taxidermy

    Beautiful. Nailed the eyes
  25. wildwoody

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    bet kill rate is Loooow.