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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    2020 mule deer pole

    Brother got a 3x4 in the BAB and dad had an opportunity at 80yrs, it was a giant moss back buck. Had a blast with them both. 22 whity next week.
  2. wildwoody

    Oversized Cutting Boards

    Any left, I missed this boat..
  3. wildwoody

    Half of about a 180” Buck.

    Sweet find..
  4. wildwoody

    Credit card hits tomorrow ??

    Congrats to all who drew , the rest don't give up.
  5. wildwoody

    Time for the 243

    Try the 243 wssm. Killer
  6. wildwoody

    Here we go again, another call from AZGFD.

    He didn't need to be an ahole..
  7. Apparently with cation tape and a sign, and we listen.. Sheep to slaughter we are..
  8. wildwoody


    Only glassed on up myself in 40 yrs of hunting, saw a few cross the rd.. The one on the bottom looks Young..
  9. wildwoody

    Successful Handgun Hunts

    A couple from the past, bear with 460 s&w, grouse with glock 23 , pig as a kid with 357 mag revolver., and an antilope with the 460. Trying to find hard pics with hand gun
  10. wildwoody

    Charles May Turkey Spur

    Sweet knife, love the edge they hold.
  11. wildwoody

    9mm for Coues Deer.

    Do it, I'm sure close range.
  12. wildwoody

    Old Roman Nose Bucks

    A mean wife maybe..
  13. wildwoody


    Nice, someday
  14. wildwoody

    Coconino and Kaibab Fire Restrictions Still

    Your killing me smalls.
  15. wildwoody

    Coconino and Kaibab Fire Restrictions Still

    Kaibab was dryer then a popcorn cart..
  16. wildwoody

    What are we looking at

    Bedded deer, front right , in front of occatio
  17. wildwoody

    Input wanted - Hunting with a 10 year old

    Remember they get cold alot quicker then us, include them in your decisions and conversations on where to hunt and why. When they feel to be a little more of an equal then at home they will open up and you'll have a totally new relationship with your Young man or Lady.. Remember there gonna be packing your Kills out soon, train them right. Its not just a snack fest. And someone mentioned before, make sure there clothes and boots fit and hand warmers are a must. Oh ya let them help glass, its amazing what young and untrained eyes can see. And look when they say they see something, you'll be amazed. Enjoy the time it goes fast. Like hunting with Dad..
  18. wildwoody

    Wife’s 2020 buck

    Love big two points, congrats
  19. wildwoody

    Monday Check in

    I here that .. Covid sucks..
  20. wildwoody

    Old Roman Nose Bucks

    Cool pic, not normal at all. Had a bad drunk and ran face first into a tree.
  21. wildwoody

    Bloodiest Guns

    My Dodge..
  22. I'm thinking 143 , I can't let go of 2 boxes . Lot a shells for one hunt.
  23. wildwoody

    Who does euro mounts?

    rossislider and brainaz
  24. wildwoody

    Cheap pair of big eyes in phx

    Kevin's a great guy , just a little off to the good side like me . Lol
  25. wildwoody

    Need Glassers in unit 22 tonight & tomorrow morning

    Holly crap, you guys need to go out and kill something, however you legally want. Headed to the BAB east side tomorrow with dad. I hope I can find some help..