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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Some crazy stuff going, big dogs getting fired, banks now longer giving loans to cover shorts, shorts are no longer allowed, and so much more. Gonna get fun as they try and cover it all. And of course this is only my opinion, but I think you will be real happy for holding.
  2. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

  3. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Did you give up ?
  4. wildwoody

    Draw question

    And they'll get drawn..
  5. wildwoody

    monsoon here???

    Lmfao, crazy
  6. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Definitely keeps your heart pumping..
  7. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Hedge funds borrowed another 20million shares, there now bought up, heading back up. Don't panic, buy the dips. Gonna get good. Get extra heart medications. The baby apes couldn't hang and sold today. Hold
  8. wildwoody

    monsoon here???

    Wait for it..
  9. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Family , ill give you heads up, next week up to $285 on tuesday
  10. wildwoody

    Roosevelt report

    Friend caught a 50lb flat, and a 8lb large mouth on a live blue gill.
  11. wildwoody

    Annual Cwt tuna trip

    Crazy every fish in that picture have lures in there mouth.
  12. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Shorts are just starting, sure you did good, long way to go..
  13. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Not calling you out at all, glad to here your in, hopefully life is looking good, you were more reality driven and I had a dream, which I have surpassed a long time ago. This is crazy, hold till the moon. Damm dirty Apes
  14. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    You love your cripto, buy back in, you'll get alot more ETH.
  15. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    tell him 10k no less, there saying 100k
  16. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Where's Stanley? I was crazy. It hasn't even started yet, gonna get crazy, hedge founds a freaking out.. Damm aps, hold, and when you get the email from your broker wanting you to vote on 500,000,000 shares, vote no. Hopefully mulepackhunter got 2 mules. If your in hold tight, if not buy some I can't believe the amount of money in my portfolio's..
  17. wildwoody

    Unit 23n early hunt outfitter

    Nothing wrong with either bull, cant find that in 22n anymore
  18. wildwoody

    Bullets, gas, wood,........MEAT?

    Really, lmfao. I got me a rancher on speed dial, no meat problem. In fact ill stop in tomorrow and grab a couple tomahawks, in celebration of the shortage. Fricken hackers.
  19. wildwoody

    monsoon here???

    Amen to that. The guy on the radio up here on the radio starts his forum out ever day with a prayer for rain. Very humbling..
  20. wildwoody

    monsoon here???

    Amen, can I still say that?
  21. wildwoody

    monsoon here???

    Officially start June 15th so they say, I liked the old 3 days in a row of dew point and barometric pressure of 53 , the good old days
  22. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Not a bad day, even better after hours, anyone who owns it will get an email from your broker asking to vote on adding another 500,000,000 shares, vote no, no , no
  23. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Supposed to be thru the week. Either way fun to play
  24. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Other countries stock markets..