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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Hits Started

    This hurt feeling, don't flatter yourself, or did I miss something ?
  2. wildwoody

    Draw Results Posted?

    Really, there still fixing chit again, your only gonna get guesses . No one knows, and if they say they know, there full of chit. My guess friday
  3. wildwoody

    Sheep charges

    Sorry bud, back to drinking no tag..
  4. wildwoody

    Sheep charges

    Wasn't a fuel shortage, the pipe from Tuscon broke and we were only allowed to have the gas with the addedtive in it. Was a bunch of bs..
  5. wildwoody

    13B Rifle -Outfitter

    All dang.
  6. wildwoody

    Best Salmon Fishing in the Lower 48 (or Vancouver)?

    And awesome sites to see, I. Want to get up there myself. Hippies, harmless keep us informed.
  7. wildwoody

    Coconino opens 7/6/21 at 6AM

    Be specific please, drawling .
  8. wildwoody

    Hits Started

    When my son got his sheep tag two years back, it took 9 days to show up
  9. wildwoody

    Finally Rain!!

    Just got a little more..
  10. wildwoody

    Hits Started

    Always a chance, someone might turn there's in..
  11. wildwoody

    Project boat help

    You'll tall, yes not very stable I would think, couple out riggers, good to go.
  12. wildwoody

    Learning Taxidermy

    Very nice.. Dad does it , i helped him do my bison last month almost done. Long days but fun.
  13. wildwoody

    Hits Started

  14. wildwoody

    4th Food! Whatchagot?

    They looked deep fried, are they?
  15. wildwoody

    Finally Rain!!

    Payson getting good moisture.
  16. wildwoody

    4th Food! Whatchagot?

    Cool no worries, its for my daughter trying to find a day she can drive down. Need Adam to run down. Lol
  17. wildwoody

    4th Food! Whatchagot?

    Cant send message to you, did you ever find the clip for the 380?
  18. wildwoody

    4th Food! Whatchagot?

    What food trucks, I heard lunch, yes
  19. wildwoody

    4th Food! Whatchagot?

    Porterhouse steaks, backed potato , crab legs jumbo prawns, garlic bread and all the fixings.
  20. wildwoody

    Sheep charges

    Its true congrats, enjoy the tag ill never get..
  21. wildwoody

    New Mexico Landowner Tags? -WANTED-Antelope

    We Arizona..
  22. wildwoody

    Hits Started

    Well giving up, just booked plain ticket for eastern hunt, Jersey, What?
  23. wildwoody

    AZ Draw Major Card Overcharge?

  24. wildwoody

    AZ Draw Major Card Overcharge?

    Look a new spelling police a hole, welcome
  25. wildwoody

    Who is hunting where?

    Oh here's where all the lucky one's dance on all us unfortunate picked on, hated by the game and fish, never get the strip tag poor basterds hearts. Lol Congratulations to all who drew. Still hoping