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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    Here we go, national anthem, all standing, good. Lets hope we show up and have a great night. Go Suns
  2. wildwoody

    AZGFD paying youtubers?

    The Bab used too get 15,000 plus archery hunters, mainly from Cali, nipped that in the butt by making a 500tag draw. Some of or animals need a break. They gave us back December and January back a few years back after closing those hunts do to low Hurd numbers, with the fires and predictors , were there again. Kill / hunt the predictors.
  3. wildwoody

    We lost 2 Fire Fighters Today

    Dam it, need to quit fighting them man killers up there, hearts are heavy, praying for there families and comrades god speed,
  4. wildwoody

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    We had some good rain last night.
  5. wildwoody

    Screw the draw

    There you go..
  6. wildwoody

    Who is hunting where?

    Just bought ticket , first class, for November New Jersey rut..
  7. wildwoody

    Anyone Bear hunting?

    I think azlance had a tag
  8. wildwoody

    AZGFD paying youtubers?

    And there gonna lose alot of money, just like Utah did when they double the out of state fees deer died of from snow. Everyone went to Colorado. They also always through out the average age of hunters goes up every year, BS. Its called fxckery, smoke and mirrors.
  9. wildwoody

    Draw Results Posted?

  10. wildwoody

    Draw Results Posted?

    Next week.
  11. wildwoody

    How about them suns

  12. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    Yes, one more on the board. Not as sharp but a good win. Congrats 108-118
  13. wildwoody

    Cats and bear.

    Dats one big bear.
  14. wildwoody

    Draw Results Posted?

    Unbelievably I just noticed 2 $45 charges from yesterday the 6th. Son a daughter separate and only 1st & 2nd choices
  15. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    Idiots.. Thanks wish2hunt. I'm here for anyone who has a bad day.
  16. wildwoody

    Yamaha Inverter Generator Sold

    Great price long way.
  17. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    Nope spell check worked for once, butt thanks for jumping on my bad spelling band wagon, maybe just maybe some really good people aren't great at spelling. But will never know. Anyway just go suns, f the other chit. Proceed to bust my balls. Troutman should chime in now.
  18. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    Paranoia . Just the suns. Go find a hooker, your losing your minds..
  19. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    Don't give a fxck about the NBA , just enjoying the suns..
  20. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    Very good night, we might just have this, 3 more
  21. wildwoody

    Hits Started

    I understand now..
  22. wildwoody

    Sheep charges

    Whats the Mexico tag cost ?
  23. wildwoody

    Hits Started

    Ohhhh no, not correct.
  24. wildwoody

    Draw Results Posted?

    I'll take the credit and a lifetime license thank you very much. Haha,