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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    12a turkey is it worth the drive?

    I agree with trophy, my dad has grab that left over tag the last 4 years, herd one bird 2 years back by the park. Not sure where they go but its not easy unless you know where they are in the spring. Maybee someone on here has some good info that would be a game changer.
  2. wildwoody

    Late rifle elk tips

    Yes sir you are correct, there is an arm , far north arm of the Matty's that is in 22n, Bill Marshell shot a stud years back on a ridge above Childs. Anyway choot a biggen, the back bone fire will have pushed some good bulls around up there..
  3. wildwoody

    Relentless fishing boat caught fire and sunk...

    That suck's.
  4. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    Terrible night, CP3 had more turn overs for a supper star then I've ever seen, shooting was way under par. I'm thinking Bucks in 7 , I know that sucks. But I don't see the heart in the suns needed to when.. I really hope I'm wrong and I get trashed like outdoor dude..
  5. wildwoody

    Who is hunting where?

    Heck ill just send her with you. Amazing with the tags cuts. Told luck my friend..
  6. wildwoody

    Who is hunting where?

    Daughter just got into her portal, 1st time putting in , for the last 6 yrs, and she pulls a 23 late whitetail tag. Lucky lady
  7. wildwoody

    Wyoming help needed

    Ya makes no sense. I meant sorry to hear there being difficult, my dad got drawn and is getting ready to apply for the tresspass/access permits , when he does he always calls the Wyoming game and fish. So normally he says there the most helpful people and say they like the out of state hunters. Your were saying they were not so polite I guess. So I want to see how he gets treated. May be a new frame of mind over there. Hopefully alot better.
  8. wildwoody


    We got your back. Why didn't you chase him last year?
  9. wildwoody

    Woods Canyon Lake

  10. wildwoody

    Suns tickets wanted

    Oh, dats a good one. Lmfao, sorry Adam there not short just funny.
  11. Good old USO, and Griz Lawrence that was a f up couple of years when they got the cap removed after the draw was complete, then reversed it after bush determind wild game wasn't interstate commerce and states regulated there wild game there way, so rightfully you could get no out of state tags until all residents got a tag if they wanted to. Unless thats changed. Anyway no sympathy for anyone who doesn't get drawn because we all live that reality.. Only my op.
  12. wildwoody

    Suns tickets wanted

    She's worth it.. Go big front row..
  13. wildwoody

    Wyoming help needed

    Dam sorry to here, I know getting ready to apply for the access permits, he always call when he does that, I see how they act.
  14. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Agreed, its like grandma used to say, time heals all, patients my boy.
  15. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    Well looks really cloudy, calls are coming due, third Friday, number of shares that don't exist need to be covered, and other stuff I'm told like buy the dip, but what dip. Lol. Not an investor was just told, convinced this was a good thing, everything is happening the way it was explained, including this endless dip this month, but also was told when the short squeeze starts again it will go up up, but its not the mega or the end game. This goes way beyond the hedge'ies , banks and even deeper. Who now's, I never taken big chances and have done well, this is the big one. Hope its not the bad one.. Buy the dip.. But I really do believe
  16. wildwoody

    AMC who's got it

    It's all going perfect, chit is about ready to happen, I know its hard to watch thousands to disappear but hold and you will be rewarded. The stars are lining up. There butts are puckering. I know its tough but you will be rewarded. Dam dirty apes..,
  17. wildwoody


    Last year, he's dead
  18. Gonna break your record this year?
  19. And on September 1st a hole lot more are gonna die from your pellets..
  20. wildwoody

    Leftover list…

    I'm down, just drop me boat off at basspro to have new fish finder, move the other and put the foot peddle tray in for the stroller. Poor boats gonna sink. 2 weeks I'm going somewhere..
  21. wildwoody

    Who is hunting where?

    I used to live in Neptune, cousins live in Brick and a ND I think Freehold, they have 4 - 120 acer leases. They only use crossbows or archery. I have one my dad mounted of my great grandpa's shot in 1942 on Asburry ave, he scores 187". , cant wait, been wanting to go for a few years, stars finally lined up.. And you
  22. wildwoody

    2021 archery coues deer

    Love big 2 points and this thing is huge. Congratulations
  23. wildwoody

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Tonight was a swing and a close miss.
  24. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    looks like the deer got one tonight, regroup, need the next one.