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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody


  2. wildwoody


    Can't be real, dude was bullet proof. Need more before we say good by.
  3. wildwoody

    How about them suns

    RIP. I hate AZ sports but I keep supporting it. Stupid
  4. wildwoody

    Raymond Cow Hunt

    Ya, fun. I had 4 points, 5 yrs back I brought 4 friends and dad Flat bed trailer, quad trailer will work fine. Winch and battery one from tractor supply. $129.00 Riobi sawsall ,many batteries and blades 2 large tarps for quarters and ice. 2 large coolers full of block ice, it will keep if taking to processor, like flag , Winslow, Payson but Phoenix 1is pushing it. Some elk cloth game bags Maybe some non iodized salt for hide, not real important We camp on hill above car trackers house. Good times, great rugs awesome eats
  5. wildwoody

    Raymond Cow Hunt

    35 points ouch, love the meat and rug. I paid $300 for my tag
  6. wildwoody

    Raymond Cow Hunt

    Do you have a bull tag?
  7. wildwoody

    Anyone have a Raptor?

    $120k for a TRX, why, is this the new FJ.
  8. wildwoody

    Are blowguns legal to hunt with in AZ?

    Edge is saying that the ring neck ( Eurasian dove) are not a game bird or are pack rats so you can shoot away. Not regulated by azgfd. And wasn't saying you were harsh it was Biggy Tubs
  9. wildwoody

    Az MVD

    And get ready covid is coming back. Back to appointment. But there not the only turd gov. Agency. The IRS has got my son held hostage. He is waiting on his $6400 tax return so he can find a place and not be homeless anymore, another story. Anyway they send him a letter saying they need to do income verification he had one job all year, then after the first 2 months he gets another letter saying they have to verify child tax credit, and that will be another 2 months. Still homeless, lives in the shop where he works. ,
  10. wildwoody

    Are blowguns legal to hunt with in AZ?

    Could be considered a pneumatic weapon, don't be so harsh..
  11. wildwoody

    Az MVD

    They sent me a failed to produce insurance notice with vehicle registration suspension funny part is I have 5 vehicle on the same policy, which I pay in full for the year. I just sent them a renewal for 2021 for all 5. Made an appointment, get there I'm giving a number, no appointments here, funny website required it. Next showed lady my ins cards new and old. She said I needed a no lapse in insurance letter, get email from ins company print it put , bring it down. Then I'm told we can't take a copy, send it to there email, I asked give me your email, she said she can't. 2 more trips to prove there fxck ups. Then the answers was we just changed over or systems it must of gotten lost. They suck no matter what you say or if your wife works there..
  12. wildwoody

    Raymond Cow Hunt

    Aleast you get one, just like road hunting.
  13. wildwoody

    Bums in 4

    Maybe don't turn the ball over and make a basket, I know dumb just me.. AZ sports are a joke.. Have you herd Cardinals are going to win the super bowl.
  14. wildwoody

    Thermador Wall Oven W/ Trim for Microwave

    There's an Anthem in Florence?
  15. wildwoody

    Catfishing @ Bartlett

    My buddies catch giants there all the time..
  16. wildwoody

    Az MVD

    AZ MVD sucksmore then anything in this world, including Biden..AZ Mvd is the worst piece of chit service in the world, if you think the game and fish is worse then keep smoking that chit. Unless I missed understood your post..
  17. wildwoody

    Raymond Cow Hunt

    Going to the petting zoo hunt, the meat is yummy.
  18. wildwoody

    Suns T Shirts

    Our teams need to support us, here we go on our way to another almost, suns better show up next game or we are done. Again
  19. wildwoody

    Miss me Bitches

    Outdoor writer?
  20. wildwoody

    12a turkey is it worth the drive?

    The shakes at Jacobs lake are to die for, turkeys everywhere during archery deer hunt, then where do they go..
  21. wildwoody

    Woods Canyon Lake

    During the week isn't bad.
  22. wildwoody

    12a turkey is it worth the drive?

    I agree with trophy, my dad has grab that left over tag the last 4 years, herd one bird 2 years back by the park. Not sure where they go but its not easy unless you know where they are in the spring. Maybee someone on here has some good info that would be a game changer.
  23. wildwoody

    Late rifle elk tips

    Yes sir you are correct, there is an arm , far north arm of the Matty's that is in 22n, Bill Marshell shot a stud years back on a ridge above Childs. Anyway choot a biggen, the back bone fire will have pushed some good bulls around up there..