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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    I Apologize was supposed to say "wouldn't have matter" missing the n't means alot
  2. wildwoody

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    That was the ? Brother, would it be more upsetting to the Young lady if they were huge sheds, no, small or big means the same. Stolen memories just me.
  3. wildwoody

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    Just acouple small sheds, would it be different it was a 380" & 410" sheds it would be different to the young lady. Just asking and I get what your saying, I mean stealing anything wise. Liked hike with dad
  4. wildwoody


    I think I know someone heres his number. Ya scammer
  5. wildwoody

    Definition of Wildlife

    Looks like a button buck, mom training the kids. He sure is reaching.
  6. wildwoody

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    During the goat hunt, small goat hunt, we saw 2 gameies one at the main entrance and in the back by the point. Hands were great. I'd say you just nailed it with the dad and girls..
  7. wildwoody

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    Fxxking ahole, hope they die a horrible death
  8. wildwoody

    Legal definition of a buck

    Just has to protrude thru the skin
  9. wildwoody

    My Target Buck

    Giant , good luck
  10. wildwoody

    2019 Compass Thor motorhome

    I know right . Not everyone has big money. To the moon.🚀🚀🚀🌛🌛🐵🐵
  11. wildwoody

    2019 Compass Thor motorhome

    I guess ill never own one. Come on AMC
  12. wildwoody

    Do something nice for your dog today

  13. wildwoody

    Bear question

    What ya see, a biggen.
  14. wildwoody

    Do something nice for your dog today

    So sorry to here, lost my blue six months ago. Only dog I ever cryed over. Got a new mini blue. Hearts heavy for you.
  15. wildwoody

    Squirrel Hunting

    I've seen lots of juveniles small greys,
  16. wildwoody

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Been crazy up here. All night and today,
  17. wildwoody

    Any recent Rosey reports?

    What flavor top water.
  18. wildwoody

    Newly Approved Hunter Ethics Course for the Bonus Point

    Nope only one, I believe class had to be taken after 1980 January 1.
  19. wildwoody

    Point guard plus

    So if my dad was in the military then I have a chance? Kinda Grey and open ended for interpretation.
  20. wildwoody

    What makes a hunter a hunter?

    Kinda of cool to see what hunting means to them. Wouldn't take much to make then none hunters, like take all there goodies away and hand them a recurve. There done
  21. wildwoody

    Point guard plus

    Holly fxck, this is out of control.
  22. wildwoody

    Spring Draw

    Got a son in prison who used to say that, guess its true, count me out.
  23. wildwoody

    What makes a hunter a hunter?

    The ethical taking of a Wild animals in the wild, not in a neighborhood.. Weapons can be argued
  24. wildwoody

    Spring Draw

    Don't judge me, unless you want to be judge.