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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    How big is this COUES?

    102 inches this year about 96 inches in the pic
  2. wildwoody

    Video of deer jumping fence

    thats crazy. the only time i ever seen anything like this was my freind had a vidio of the pungugont heard in 12b. probably hamered that spellig. but there were more then 200 mulies and were all bucks. thanks for posting that was cool
  3. never used. i switched this year from muzzy m3 to the nap thunderhead that pig didn't move. can't wait to use them this year on my early archery bull hunt
  4. wildwoody


    good call it shouln't be about who he worked for.
  5. wildwoody

    Rye bikes

    i first noticed in 1983. he had a couple of stolen bikes that were mine. don't mean to be disrespectful but he was a real jerk. so long
  6. wildwoody

    Antelope Scouting Pics!!!

    nice pics. didn't draw az but got 2 speed goat tags for wyoming
  7. wildwoody

    Rain up north

    yup. star valley's getten slammed. and my bulls in 5b south are gettin a drink. oh ya
  8. wildwoody


    im feelin a beat down. kill them all and let the devil sort them out. god bless those men and there all heros in my eyes. and i wish the jerk oxxs media would leave the surviver alone, there no better .RIP
  9. wildwoody


    keep smoken, that was funny. won't happen befor the 11th. hopefully you reached your credit limit
  10. wildwoody

    2013 draw results ?

    ya the 10th tell your wife not to empty your account. hits should happen during the week of the 11th. but it is the game and fish anything can happen. goodluck
  11. wildwoody

    Unit 12 Late Deer Options

    12a west has some monsters by sowats. weve slade a 223 inch 7x8 and a 178 inch 3x4 i love archery but i would hold out for the rifle hunt. a good outfitter woud be dwayn adams outfitters they got it down. i dont use guides there to expensive with some scouting youll be fine but dont get to picky
  12. wildwoody

    8yr Old's First Spot & Stalk

    you go boy.. keep the dream alive
  13. wildwoody

    A Few Coti's

    wow, thats crazy cool pics
  14. wildwoody

    Some New Elk Pics

    nice. your getting me pumped for my 5b south early archery bull. oh ya
  15. wildwoody

    Yarnell Hills Fire

    they will always be rembered , along with the boys we lost in the dude fire. RIP
  16. hopefully this isn't the first step to end hunting. but i do hate potchers
  17. wildwoody

    Custom Vinyl Decals

    can you send a phone number to my pm . need some made for my company to put on my truck.thanks
  18. wildwoody

    Rye bikes

    you got that right the guy was a rip off . just hope he didn't take out to many good peoples homes when that junk pile burned. good rittens
  19. wildwoody

    Sheep Draw Odds

    wow, i have 14 i thought i was getting up there, i guess im still stuck in the gate. thats fgreat info
  20. wildwoody

    Some 36B basic questions

    be carefull. illegals will be traveling at night , and will come right thru your camp. and lots of border potrol. but all and all it is a great hunt. try hunting bgy frugotta pick and yellow jacket. weve miossed some monsters around those mountains. turn in at sasabe. goodluck
  21. wildwoody

    Double mule deer pedistal

    that looks awsome, ill have to post a picture of my 223 inch mulie, but this is double the beauty. great work
  22. wildwoody

    Strange in Unit 22N- Your thoughts??

  23. wildwoody

    Strange in Unit 22N- Your thoughts??

    i no of 2 bulls in 22 that are hard horned year round and haven't dropped for at least 2 years. anythings possible in the great out doors. and there horns are also very light and they don't rut
  24. hay its woody, if you get a chance to book a hunt with the ground pounders do it , it will be a hunt of a lifetime . they taken me and my family on numerouse hunts and all were seccessfull hunts and they hunt at the pace of there hunter. great guys . book a hunt with them you won't be sorry. cash i have a picture of my tom for you for the website. thanks again