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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Some Recent Completions

    beautiful work clay
  2. wildwoody

    The Lucky One

    i found it congrats, very nice
  3. wildwoody

    Christmas in July

    go get um
  4. wildwoody

    Some more pics of elk

    somewhere between 20 to 40 days of growth left. usally rubbed of by the archery deer hunt. nice pics
  5. hes just a little guy not big enough to shoot yet. his ears look big so hes small if his ears look small hes big. i was tought thats the best way to feild judge bears. id say around 130 lbs. cool pics
  6. wildwoody

    What Unit would you apply for

    if your talking abought speed goats/ antilope, i would put in for 4a by the ohaca ranch. I've gotten 2 speed goats up there on was 87 6/8 and 1 was 89 4/8 and there were even bigger. graet hunt and not alot of pressure and no trespass fees. goodluck. what is the max points for speed goats now. thanks
  7. you first timers be carefull rember you playing with razer blades. be safe only take kill shoots bad shoots won't be succesful but will end in death
  8. wildwoody

    A few from last week

    diffinetly a beautiful blond bear. keep us updated this season
  9. wildwoody

    A few from last week

    wow, where you at a water hole at the zoo. keep that spot under your hat or the hunten voultures will swoop in. great pics thanks for sharen
  10. wildwoody

    Strange Hatchet Man by Water Hole

    i take it this story was earlier this year because spring bear season is closed. cool story and goodluck and stay on him hill be around.or get with the az ground ponders thell help you get him
  11. wildwoody

    1st trail cam pix

    nice pics thanks for sharing
  12. wildwoody

    Some things the AES has done this year.

    this is awsome . iwas not aware of it. kodo's to th e AES. where do you sign up
  13. wildwoody

    Lifesize Badger and Pronghorn wall pedestal

    did you shoot those in wyoming. awsome mounts
  14. wildwoody

    Consider this an Early Warning!

    the same every draw. you would think sooner or later we would get it or put in with a money order. thanks for the heads up . payment needs to be up dated if needed by july 10th at 11:59 pm. good luck to all
  15. wildwoody

    Globe members

    ups never mind looks like peoria. have a great independence day to all
  16. wildwoody

    Globe members

    i laughed. weres it going to
  17. wildwoody

    Need help identifying this skull

    yup yhats my guess speed goat. with good bases. cool find. happy fourth
  18. wildwoody

    Found a new water hole. Well I made it instead...

    very cool. ya everything is illegal anymore so go with it and let them catch you. government bug off. happy fourth, or forfatheres would be good with it.
  19. wildwoody

    So, I'm awake all night

    sounds tastyyyy. hope you both gotn some sleep. happy fouth
  20. oh ya. can't wait and then the day after it closes my early bull starts. can't wait
  21. wildwoody

    Congrats Amanda

  22. wildwoody


    my grandfathers is turning over in his grave. maybe egypt has the right idea. why are some people so blind
  23. wildwoody


    right on time
  24. wildwoody

    2013 draw results ?

    goto the azgfd.com and goto draw results and it will tell you the last day to update payment type is july 10th. goodluck
  25. wildwoody

    PILE OF VELVET!! scouting pics.

    nice, hopefully in 5b south