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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. the alaskin way. don't got quarter and bone and cape the head. slice behind the last rib reach in and pull out the tenders. only reason to gut it is if you want the heart and liver. you then can bone out if you want. give it a try youll love it and you won't get so bloody. thanks and happy killing
  2. wildwoody

    What Unit would you apply for

    nice buck, thats the gean but mine have longer tops with 2 1/2 ivory tips
  3. shooting sticks work great
  4. wildwoody

    Any other lucky 23N Early Archery Bull tag Holders here?

    everyone has the right to hunt anywhere. kill a spike if you want. its your right inless there taking that away from us to. mellow out
  5. wildwoody

    Any other lucky 23N Early Archery Bull tag Holders here?

    popular heck, how about the hunt of a life time there some monsters if you no where to hunt. contact the az ground ponders.tell them wildwoody sent you . i did ok got 5b south early bull not as good but i'll take it goodluck to all of you
  6. wildwoody

    What Unit would you apply for

    the bone and crocket book shows to devide the horns into 4 quarters then if the 3rd falls below the prong pull the sting tight and if it doesn't slide down you take the score below the prong. it had three official booner scores fighting back and fourth it was nuts. ill post them both when i figure it out.
  7. wildwoody

    Strange in Unit 22N- Your thoughts??

    thats like the old joke where theres a young bull and old bull looking down on a heard of cows, the young bull says he's gonna run down a screw one of those cows, and the old bull says i'm gonna walk down and screw them all. sorry for the language
  8. wildwoody

    2013 draw results ?

    you guys are nuts. goodluck to all
  9. wildwoody

    Bowhunting the rut

    its very tough. ive had luck before by glassing them and putting them to bed and then put the stalk on. goodluck
  10. wildwoody

    What Unit would you apply for

    ill try not shore yet how to post pictures yet. ones a 18 1/2 inch and one is 18 but i get 3 scoores below the prong do to the prongs start up at 9 inches there seem to be 2 different geans up ther big paddles whitch start at about 3 to 4 inches up and the other start at 8 to 9 inches up. i shoot these bucks in 98 and 1999 . ive also no of 2 over shoot up there 1 over 94 and 1 over 92. all depends on the winter moistuer. ill try posting pictures i also have a 223 inch mulie. thanks good luck on your next draw
  11. wildwoody

    Lion In a Hole....

    cool. thanks for sharing
  12. wildwoody

    "Sheds For Shots" Success Pictures

    awsome idea sheds 4 the hot shoots. you look like you around mesa deal cabio. keep up the great work . thankyou
  13. wildwoody


    tweekers, losers glad to here they caught the piece of s""ts. good carma for all the good you do. i like your god loving attatude wish more people had it. happy everything turn out for the good. your daughter has a great dead. godbless all even the piece of s""ts
  14. who do we contact and can we do saturday only. thanks
  15. wildwoody

    Who has the best steak in town?

    diamond point in star vally gots a good prime rib, fargos great steak, and of course buffalo on my grill
  16. wildwoody

    Few pics from last weekend helicopter

    when does the bamby bucket come into season. cool pics
  17. wildwoody

    Some Recent Completions

    beautiful work clay
  18. wildwoody

    The Lucky One

    i found it congrats, very nice
  19. wildwoody

    Christmas in July

    go get um
  20. wildwoody

    Some more pics of elk

    somewhere between 20 to 40 days of growth left. usally rubbed of by the archery deer hunt. nice pics
  21. hes just a little guy not big enough to shoot yet. his ears look big so hes small if his ears look small hes big. i was tought thats the best way to feild judge bears. id say around 130 lbs. cool pics
  22. wildwoody

    What Unit would you apply for

    if your talking abought speed goats/ antilope, i would put in for 4a by the ohaca ranch. I've gotten 2 speed goats up there on was 87 6/8 and 1 was 89 4/8 and there were even bigger. graet hunt and not alot of pressure and no trespass fees. goodluck. what is the max points for speed goats now. thanks
  23. you first timers be carefull rember you playing with razer blades. be safe only take kill shoots bad shoots won't be succesful but will end in death
  24. wildwoody

    A few from last week

    diffinetly a beautiful blond bear. keep us updated this season
  25. wildwoody

    A few from last week

    wow, where you at a water hole at the zoo. keep that spot under your hat or the hunten voultures will swoop in. great pics thanks for sharen