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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Need Help! Not enough MOA????

    ya be a little more concderate to the animals get closer don't shot them from your house. or leave the road. if you put your schaworskies away and use some tascos you won't have to shoot so far>LOL
  2. wildwoody


    i think you mean a scrambler this is a sportsman not for racin its for riden , again sorry to but in on your post nice quad
  3. wildwoody

    AZ Ground Pounders 100" Club

    ya i love these guys
  4. wildwoody

    AZ Ground Pounders Coues Deer Management

    now those are some great they helped me get my 7 ft + lion
  5. wildwoody

    AZ Coues, Which rifle?

    270 for shore great all around gun and it will get out there, make sure what ever gone you chose, shoot it often new you gun and what it can do, build confadence befar to the game your hunting . 500 yards is a long shoot and just because a whittyy is small doesn't mean they aren't tough. oh ya and gator fans can hunt whities just not yankie fans.LOL
  6. wildwoody

    Crossbow use during acrchery season?

    you are allowed to us a draw hold device for your bow now, cock it and forget it
  7. wildwoody

    4A bulls

    check out by chevelon butte
  8. wildwoody

    I drew a tag!!!!

    what a teard. LOL
  9. wildwoody

    Deer applications 101...

    lots of good whities up there check meadow canyon or on childs side of the unit
  10. zeiss conquest, awesone exspesally if you figure out the turrents for range , i shoot my 270weatherby mag 1000yrds
  11. wildwoody

    4A bulls

    does she have early hunt
  12. wildwoody

    The good ol days

    it was a heck razer
  13. wildwoody

    AZ Ground Pounders 100" Club

    give them a call, its not luck
  14. wildwoody

    13B help and info

    hope for an early snow, toull do fine
  15. i think sci except radio hunted animals, i think, score is for personal pride
  16. wildwoody

    LH Bear Archery Charge Package For Sale

    check posts someone is looking for a left hander
  17. wildwoody

    Crossbow use during acrchery season?

    just get 1 and shoot something they won't catch you.LOL
  18. wildwoody

    Loyalty point

    haven't updated bonus points yet its commen
  19. wildwoody

    The good ol days

    hey bro , 5a just got nailed with another 2 inches+ payson getting hammered right now , gettin out my snorkel, just saw 2 elk float by
  20. wildwoody

    Would you!?!?

    getter done!
  21. wildwoody

    what does mule deer taste like?

    taste a lot like bald eagle! LOL
  22. wildwoody

    Looking for Docter 15x60

    they are the sxxt
  23. wildwoody

    Elk, bear

  24. wildwoody

    The good ol days

    thanks. all luck