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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Bobcat value

    +1 1kplus
  2. heck ya, next
  3. wildwoody

    The good ol days

    i like big bulls, and this i can't denie
  4. wildwoody

    Boyz of Summer

    friends now an enamies in a month. oh ya. nice pics
  5. wildwoody


    hit the prouller for a 1 day albacore trip its awesome
  6. wildwoody

    Regular joe workout

    just did another hour at the gym, you now guys we just have to get of our butts and exersize, its easy to get fat and harder then shxt to get skinny its hard but worth it im down 52lbs and feel great .see you on top of the mountain. goodluck to all of us
  7. wildwoody

    What is this?

    i'm going with the meth lab . cool first radios now google earth i wonder if B&C allows that LOL
  8. wildwoody

    35A December Help

    bad delema to have 22 is easy
  9. wildwoody

    Find the Coues

    killer thats tough
  10. wildwoody

    Deer season

    you gonna shoot him from the roof. his growth is ok i've seen some 4 point already, he's stiil got a couple + mounths to go yet , heck be a shooter with a sharp stick. thanks for the post
  11. wildwoody

    Obama and Barkley

    go charlie
  12. wildwoody

    The good ol days

    not always useally look like a carhardt tan, them are some nice ins
  13. wildwoody

    Trophy Spike Bull

    thats one big teard
  14. wildwoody

    Regular joe workout

    i get it im gonna incorperate it into my workout. burpee
  15. wildwoody

    Looking to trade

    you getten a divorse. lol
  16. wildwoody

    Big Lake

    went up in spring did great from shore with power bait and night crawlers but be shore to use a worm inflater or the crawdads will rob you. goodluck
  17. wildwoody

    Regular joe workout

    is that drink a beer then burp
  18. wildwoody


    gamies told us last year there was a heard of 9 stiil there . we heard some bugles one morning. few and far between there are more buffalo
  19. wildwoody

    Great scouting trip

  20. wildwoody

    Regular joe workout

    i started hitting the gym last october and have lost 45 lbs . i do the eliptickal for 45 mins a day and lift it gets descouraging because you don't much fast but its more about getting in shape and i do feel great
  21. wildwoody

    Awesome Encounter

  22. wildwoody

    Looking for a Left Handed Bow

    hoyt oh ya got 2 , you must have been trying to pray on someone with hard times and get a brand new bow for nothing. glad you choose a hoyt
  23. wildwoody

