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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    good job
  2. wildwoody

    Kaibab early archery deer

    no its hwy 67 runs from jacobs lake to the grand canyon north rim park youll see it on the map. hwy 67 to th 22 at deer lake to 294 by locust point also the in the meadows around deer lake in the evenings del monte holds some gooins also. lots of camping and a gas station store by deer lake. ask the gas station clerks what there seein also, there are also alot of deer up higher by jacobs lake. goodluck
  3. wildwoody

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    ya hats not messing up someones hunt, you gave them plenty of time to find them, its not like you shot over there shoulder like these guides do. my son had a hunt in 3a 3c bull hunt we were in a small draw whaching a heard of elk that need to come a little closer , there was a group of guys 3 to be exsact won't give ethinickticity and i waved them of numerouse times and even approuch them and let them we were watching a bull and some cows waiting to get a shot , i thought they walked away but they went above use and shot the bull over our head then they had the wavouse to ask for our help, well they didn't get our help but they did get a piece of our minds. NOW THATS FXXN UP someones hunt. ethics are everything first come first serve but some don't have a clue. if your one of these people out there UP YOURS! You did fine now these weren't guides this time but they done me even worse, didn't no a guides liesence ment you owned the woods either. man you asked a loaded question!!
  4. wildwoody

    Regular joe workout

    yes sir year round , fat don't take a vacation. also remember lots of you studs live on the flat land and the altitude up here is the biggest killer. even here a 5000 feet is a big difference from up on top at 7000' and even worse at the bab at 8000' cardio baby cardio
  5. wildwoody

    Cow elk caving

    POP there it IS!
  6. wildwoody

    Utah poaching

  7. wildwoody

    Unit 27 Muley

    eagles nest. and there donkeys
  8. wildwoody

    Help me score some bulls! Added another picture

    320" and growin
  9. wildwoody

    3A-3C archery hunt 2013

    you still driven that yellow avalanch, or did you get a mans truck like a dodge.LOL nice busk shaine
  10. wildwoody

    Score these one too guys!

    might get to 300"
  11. wildwoody

    6A Early Archery Hunt....!

    700 tags HOLY SLAUGHTER BATMAN, sounds like what they in 22 late riffle hunts its now hunter oppertunity these gamies are nuts . GOODLUCK AND DON'T SHUT EACH OTHER
  12. wildwoody


    sounds like hilery clintons husband WHAT!
  13. wildwoody

    12 A East Early hunt

    remember hunt the bottems. see you there , can't wait my son got the tag this year
  14. wildwoody

    Utah poaching

  15. wildwoody

    Kaibab early archery deer

    sneekers given some good advice. also hunt the edge of the meadows just before dark
  16. wildwoody

    Kaibab early archery deer

    tips springs by locus point rd is straight acrossed from the shell station about a half hr below jacobs lake. deer lake is were you turn , the burn or any water holes there will be deer everywhere. good hunten
  17. wildwoody

    Screwed up leftovers

  18. wildwoody

    Screwed up leftovers

    suck it up and hunt hard you'll do fine, but there aren'[t many roads to hunt, lots of walking and glassing but they are there. goodluck
  19. wildwoody

    12 A East Early hunt

    there were hundreds of 2 points last year don't get trigger happy, see you there
  20. wildwoody

    A few more pics.

  21. wildwoody

    Here's another one to guess

    no ground srinkege there, awesome goat
  22. wildwoody

    Regular joe workout

    eat your regular deit because starving just makes your body fight back . eat something for breakfast to start your motabalism, and throw in some weiy protein within 1/2 after work out, im not a trainer but it really works. excersize on my friends your wife will love the new you.
  23. wildwoody

    Starcraft 14rt

    i have a 2005 RT11 these trailers are awesome buy it if you can this the origianal 4x4 pup up. nice ride
  24. wildwoody

    score of this bull?

    neither over 280"