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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    guide or no guide

    its about the beautiful out doors
  2. wildwoody

    guide or no guide

    +1 :)
  3. wildwoody

    Bun in the oven

    awesome congratsyyyyyyy!
  4. wildwoody

    guide or no guide

    Im not a guide , and maybe not a bad hunter, but i will say i no the ground pounders and those boys put in alot of time scouting, guide are good hunters not always the nicest guys but seriuose and professional, and hopefally ethical like the az ground pounders are, but with that said YOU CAN DO ITTTTTT!!!!!!
  5. wildwoody

    Photos from todays trip

    very well taken, thanks there breathtaking
  6. wildwoody

    Nice bull and Bears on cam

  7. wildwoody

    camera senerio what would you do

    you ngot that right 22 and 23 are full of youngsters that steal everything , I won't give there name out because i don' t want to start a linchen . see i do beleive in inacent untill proven guilty , but it didn't work for zimmerman, know did it
  8. sounds like 1 cool thingy
  9. nice ,5bs looki9ng good and more today
  10. wildwoody

    New Velvet Bucks Everyday!

    gettin bigger ,22 days left
  11. tree huggers keep applying for tags also
  12. wildwoody

    camera senerio what would you do

    here we go again, sounds oviouse , I didn't say steel anything I said camp on it. so one more time, sometime trying to find the good gets old, alls im saying get a job and buy your own, if thats bad so be it!
  13. wildwoody

    Looking to trade

    why do we have to always have to keep her happy, why don't them house wives keep us happy.
  14. wow there trying to end it all for us. AMERICA HOME OF THE NO LONGER FREE!!!!
  15. wildwoody

    3B North Archery Antelope

    boy howdy, you got a tough one
  16. wildwoody

    camera senerio what would you do

    why do people keep getting upset with the guys who hate theifs and always want to give them the benafit of the doubt . he should be pissed and to say its his own fault for putting up a camara makes me wonder why people would say this. it's theft and its wrong so lets start calling a spade a SPADE, I WOULD CAMP ON THE OTHER GUYS CAMARA. third party POOO!!!!
  17. wildwoody

    Checked cam again

    crazy cool
  18. wildwoody

    Quick Picture

    know thats priceless
  19. wildwoody


    thats pretty cool
  20. wildwoody

    is this a good buck?

  21. wildwoody

    Powers Garden

    ya goodluck, take your SPOT!
  22. wildwoody

    nice lookin sheep
