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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    unretreaved animals

    4 miles east of payson on 260
  2. wildwoody

    Sighting in my bow, and getting frustrated...

    i shoot 2 arrows at a trime then take a walk to the target, it gives me excersise and keeps me from robin houding my arrows since fullmetal jackets aren't cheep and it gives me a rest. 70lbs will where me out . pacients
  3. wildwoody

    unretreaved animals

    lets do it, next time your in starv valley pm me
  4. wildwoody

    road hunting

    were good, again never said i hated road hunters , understand about your dad and i'm glad you still hunt together, i respect you and him and everyone. I believe in the golden rule. godbless you also
  5. wildwoody

    Early Archery Deer Hunts

    thank you for listening, your great, but how can you check the harviest if we did away with reporting our archery kills. just wondering. thanks again
  6. wildwoody

    unretreaved animals

    gotcha im just playing with him ,was getting a kick out of you 2 going back and forth, all good. and it happens but you have to try, I was taught to always check your shot, in fact there were acouple times i didn't want to cross that canyon to look but i did and there he leid. wish you to a long and hurrasing frendship. thankyou for the reply
  7. wildwoody

    road hunting

    i you read my post i didn't say i hated them, actually they have chased alot of game to me , 3 of the bucks today they never even saw, the other 3 were why back in far from roads . I was just wondering what the fun is driving around with 5 stinly hunters in a truck . and i feel if they get out of the truck and hunt like a cave man they might like it but again my dumb opinion. and the man who made the post about public land was right were lucky to have so much of it. and the hounds don't bother me because that is some tuff hunten chasing them damb dogs and i've only done it once. good luck with them whities and donkeys
  8. wildwoody

    unretreaved animals

    sorry about bringing up this subject , didn't think about the none hunters ,freedom of speech and expression is getting tough these days, and apparently some don't mind the waste of gods creatures. and im not real religious , 25 06 you behaive or i'll call your mom
  9. wildwoody

    Nice Bear

    get the hide of and into the freezer quick so hair doesen't slip on you. great job
  10. wildwoody

    Non Resident solo hunt questions

    welcom to our place. enjoy the arizona pinstriping
  11. wildwoody

    Finally first deer with a bow

    you da man
  12. wildwoody

    Early Archery Deer Hunts

    i just wish the gamies would give us back the december archery hunt back in 22 and 23 since they did away with batting but i guess like the elk in these units , they want the riffle slotter. but what do i no
  13. wildwoody

    Early Archery Deer Hunts

    then wait a week to go hunting. if they push it back then you'll have 1000's of hunters running around during the elk hunts. we all wish we could hunt year round. just my opinion
  14. wildwoody

    Curious, how you do it?

    i live where i hunt. since obama came around and his gas prices i think were all i dept
  15. wildwoody

    Anyone else?

    did it last year it does suck
  16. wildwoody

    You know it hunting season when...

    thats what im talking about
  17. wildwoody

    A couple of BIG Elk

  18. wildwoody

    Good Gene Pool?

    nice , unit 10
  19. wildwoody

    Archery Coues Hunts

    these guys are good give them a call
  20. wildwoody

    3 more days

  21. wildwoody

    3c question

    3c is tough without the rain the elk will shot down early in the am and head to the reservation. all else fails hunt the 300 road . the 124 is good also. lesson at night for the buggles and start a couple of hours before sun up and get on them. you'll do fine
  22. wildwoody

    The RUT

    almost there. 5b south is looking very good
  23. wyatt passed this weekend in a boating accident at roosevelt lake, thoughts and prayers go out to the altoff family. RIP im sorry wyatt altoff