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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Looking for a tag holder, unit 1 youth hunt

    it is all about the kids you have a great heart. god bless
  2. wildwoody

    unretreaved animals

    ya i'm 45 i have seen it all my life. was just asking a quistion , wasn't trying to piss anyone off i no it happens , didn't say it never happened to me. I saw a bull during antilope season in 4a with an arrow in his foot. never said anyone should take a class and wasn't trying to say anyone was a bad person , just said some time we should take better shots . sorry if i upset anyone. I will keep my thoughts to my self. and yes i do have a great hunt coming up . sorry again
  3. wildwoody

    Unit 22 Muley tag

  4. wildwoody

    Unit 23

    yup lots of hounds came thru camp
  5. wildwoody

    unretreaved animals

    you asking me
  6. wildwoody

    Want to donate gear to a youth

  7. wildwoody

    Spot and stock unit 32 antelope

    thats a cool gene awesome
  8. wildwoody

    123" Velvet Buck

  9. wildwoody


    kinda like testing a shark bite suit
  10. wildwoody


    got any weaterby 270 mag ultra light stocks
  11. wildwoody

    Sitting vs Spot and Stalk

    jeramy ulmer from chasen a dream outfitters has killed some awesome record book bucks with spot and stalk. next tim in payson stop by his archery shop you will s''t
  12. wildwoody

    Unit 22 Muley tag

    hunt in the 3bar by roseavelt lake
  13. wildwoody

    Baseboard Heaters

    dang rex thru mine away. i guess that job fell thru a
  14. wildwoody

    them bulls

    them there bulls are rubbin of nicely , saw a 300 bull and a monster 350 bull and rubbed of but the smaller bulls still in velvet. can't wait untill the 13th. what have you seen
  15. wildwoody

    them bulls

    keep um commin
  16. wildwoody

    6A Bulls

  17. wildwoody


    america is no longer ours
  18. wildwoody

    Ghost of a Lion?

    ya thats a lion ghost
  19. wildwoody

    unretreaved animals

    talked to another hunter to day with no retrieve
  20. wildwoody

    Early Archery Deer Hunts

    wait till next weekend, pure kayiouse
  21. wildwoody

    road hunting

    sorry to here that. my dad broke his neck hunting alone up by ashfork took himm 3 days to craw out and get home he should be dead but hes still going, hes 73 and can't even amagine the day he can't hunt anymore. we purchased him a spot with the free helicopter ride included. he wont quit, he doesn't road hunt yet but when the time comes i'll drive him. sorry about your freind