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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Guess the score

    90 5/8" awesome goat
  2. wildwoody

    T-minus 169 hours

    5 sleepless nights to go
  3. wildwoody

    Unit 7 Goat

    looks he gets the 3rd score the prong, nice goat
  4. wildwoody

    Will forest service shut down roads due to mud?

    come on guys its the forest service
  5. wildwoody

    T-minus 169 hours

    5 a is alittle dry compared to 5b south really strainge how a 10 miles can be so different there firen up hard this morning, take care of the girl friend she may be your bettewr half someday and they don't forget. and the trailer will keep you dryer its gonna poor. hope you have great luck
  6. wildwoody

    tripod head question?

    love my outdoorsman pistal grip , just sqweeze point and reliese its awesome and effortless
  7. if thats what the regs say, its all been mangelled
  8. wildwoody

    A few pics from this evening bow hunt.

    i thought is was 5
  9. wildwoody

    A few pics from this evening bow hunt.

    4 or 5 of them
  10. wildwoody

    T-minus 169 hours

    yes sir. and its nice living up here you can go out during the week and avoid the crowds. theres more to being rich then money. YES SIR
  11. wildwoody

    Camera Theft in the Payson Area

    there are a couple of young theives up here can't give names or i'll probably be arrested and not the theives, but i now of one kid who has over 75 cameras in his garage
  12. wildwoody

    Can you hunt Javelina with a spear??

    that would be 1 pissed of pecury
  13. wildwoody


    wyoming loves out of staters. make sure you pay attention to the trespassing permits or you'll only hunt public land. got a goat hunt that starts on the 14th but can't make it up till oct 9th last weekend of the hunt because of my buul hunt. just go on line to the wyoming game and fish lots of info there. do it you'll love it very affordable hunt
  14. wildwoody

    Is This a Big One?

    85 but who cares i have 2 speed goats in the high 80's and i'd trade either 1 for that. i hope hes dead he's now
  15. wildwoody

    Morning with the boys

  16. wildwoody

    Tequila Cilantro Marinade

    NICE! :) :) :)
  17. wildwoody

    T-minus 169 hours

    Where you at this year? Hunting in 5BS. me to where about you headen, the grass is high and the cows are fat. can't wait till friday at sun up
  18. wildwoody

    Correction period eliminated

    good walmart employes can't fill them out right anyway . i quit buying my license from walmart after they punched the wrong license type and i had a heck of a time with the gamies. now i just purchased and print (2) out just incase i lose (1)
  19. wildwoody

    T-minus 169 hours

    oh ya , been packed for a month , gonna by bread and ice on tuesday and i'm gone got a 350 bull on my tank. wife wants me to leave now, driveing her nuts! 5b south look out. hope we all get a BBD, good luck to all. SHOOT STRAIGHT AND OFTEN!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  20. wildwoody

    Ulmer Edge

    thanks for the info
  21. wildwoody

    Anyone know the legality of this?

    you sound like you got a good plan. dosen't work with the res.LOL