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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Rim road 300

  2. wildwoody

    bulls are firen

    the bulls just really turned on last night , starting to fight, cows are getting really vocal, anyone who coudent get up last weekend your gonna be fine this weekend will be awesome
  3. wildwoody

    bulls are firen

    5b south
  4. wildwoody

    Snow chains in mud

    rubber bungies, roads will be fine by sunday, drying up fast up in 5b south
  5. wildwoody

    Ulmer Edge

    jeramy convinced me . thyats all he uses and said they will hit were you point them. thanks jeramy
  6. wildwoody

    GOOD LUCK to all should be a great rut

    goodluck to all and all goodluck. i'm in the truck and on my way to 5b south ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. wildwoody

    what is this?

    ive had some that looks very close on my tomato plants. ive also seen many this year on shagy utah junipers. there fuzzy spines also sting like a cactus. enough about him weres the pics of your buck. and it probably turns into a mouth
  8. wildwoody

    Ulmer Edge

    gonna make up my mind today after talking to jeramy ulmer at chasen a dream
  9. wildwoody

    T-minus 169 hours

    3 sleepless nights to go
  10. wildwoody

    camp cook

    i have a freind that is cooking for me. i just pay for his food and his camping needs. ive done it for other freinds and guides, its great if you can set it up. if i wasn't sticken an elk this weekend i do it for you
  11. wildwoody

    AZ Antelope Hunt (VIDEO)

    heck of an adventure
  12. wildwoody

    Unit 23 Giant

  13. wildwoody

    Unit 8 Goat

  14. wildwoody

    Will forest service shut down roads due to mud?

    Wanna buy a vowel? LOL I hope it dries out for you lucky people with tags. Good Luck everyone and be safe. what are you a english teacher, might not be able to spell but i got a heck of a trophy room.LOL
  15. wildwoody

    Pressed for time but got it done

    super. great job
  16. wildwoody

    My 4 year old son caught his first fish!

    don't think that smill will ever come off. PRICELESS!!!
  17. wildwoody

    Camera Theft in the Payson Area

    10/4 policehave been there and i no 2 are mine but i didn't mark them , ya i'm a dumb a"". they couldn't find proff he said he bought them. i"m not the crimanal but thanks anyway JIM
  18. wildwoody

    GOOD LUCK to all should be a great rut

    22 is hot. thanks for the goodluck
  19. wildwoody

    Is This a Big One?

    did you get him yet
  20. wildwoody

    Snow chains in mud

    the best thing for mud is skinnier ties, i have 9" but preffer 8" but hard to find, don't think chains will help much and letting air out works on sand but it causes more surface area witch isn't good skinny tires give less serface area to plow threw the mud. you guys with the big huge 12" + tires good luck. learned this from an old aps worker in 6a near apache maid mnt. when i was 16 yrs old. he had 8" truck tires and we were pullen everybody out with the wide tires. time to hunt on foot. goodluck to all can"t wait for 5b south
  21. wildwoody

    A post just because it doesn't seem right

    welcome to the new obama states of america
  22. wildwoody

    Camera Theft in the Payson Area

    what ever
  23. wildwoody

    Will forest service shut down roads due to mud?

    puring in payson again
  24. wildwoody

    T-minus 169 hours

    4 sleepless nights to go
  25. wildwoody

    3 blade 100grain muzzy broadhead

    used to use them all the time shoot many animals , this year i switched to NAP thunderheads , they left a bigger hole and bigger blood trail, useing the NAPS for my elk hunt this weekend , hope i didn't make the wrong decision .