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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    San Carlos JAN lottery results

    when do you put in for theses draws. interrested
  2. wildwoody

    knocked out a monster with an arrow

    head shots don't waste any meat, i guess, next time try for the ear hole
  3. wildwoody

    #5 bites the dust...

    ya,ll think your smarter then the game and fish, i bet you guys aren't smart enough to catch and coolar and kill an endangered jaquar. lol
  4. wildwoody

    Guessing game! What's your guess?

    my guess sometime this year
  5. wildwoody

    Bonus point question

    your name or appointed numbers they give you for each bonus point you have goes into the pool, so if you have 6 points and this yrs app, you will be floating around in the draw seven times for your first 2 choices
  6. wildwoody

    Character Buck from Mexico

    what a story nice buck
  7. wildwoody

    First Big Game Harvest

  8. wildwoody

    Lost Range Finder in 34a

    i lost my bushnell compact in 5b south during my archry hunt and there is a lot of elk up there. good look on finding it
  9. wildwoody

    backpack hunt

    very hot in augest down there but there are lots of deer
  10. wildwoody

    Weaver laser rangefinder

    why are you selling them
  11. wildwoody

    What's cold for javelina?

    yes they do move alot at night, but it does seem to be alittle more when supper could from what i've seen but i'm not a bioligest
  12. wildwoody

    What's cold for javelina?

    rain and snow in payson/22
  13. wildwoody

    Life Changed At 9:02 Last Night!

    this is the first day of the rest of your life. congrats to mom and dad
  14. wildwoody

    Slik or promaster or outdoorsmans

    which promaster do you have and how heavy is it , you have me inerested
  15. wildwoody

    $200-300 Bino's

    the 20's come with a breaf case, leopld makes some good glass for the money, just sayen, also check optic world i've heard tasco hd's are rerally good i know there tasco's but it is a new generation
  16. wildwoody

    the nooner....

    i like nooners! hay is that 1 of those fast and furiuse guns. just kidding, nice kill. but i still like nooners, just sayin
  17. wildwoody

    plesant lake

    and crappie fish!
  18. wildwoody

    Jim Beam sold to the Japanese

  19. wildwoody

    Arrow builders

    take a trip to payson and goto chasen a dream outfitters . jeramy ulmar owns it and he's randy ulmar's nefew. probably the best in the state. only 1 hr and 15 mins from you . bring the wife up for lunch. he would probaly send them to you . i get my fullmetal jackets from him. try him you won't go wrong
  20. wildwoody

    Jim Beam sold to the Japanese

    well i guess if they drink enough theyll forget about how there contaminating the rest of the world with there redation its aready of the coast of cali
  21. wildwoody

    Poached mule deer

    dirt bags!
  22. wildwoody

    misc reloading items

    whats your price for all
  23. wildwoody

    What's cold for javelina?

    i have gotten more pictures of pigs at night whens its from 30 degrees down to around 10 degrees i think they move more when its really cold.