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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    New Critters added to the Man-Cave

    i likie
  2. wildwoody

    They are starting to hit CC

    still not checken , nope aint doin it ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
  3. wildwoody

    Should I switch to a drop away?

    love my dropaway
  4. wildwoody

    Just said goodbye to a Great friend

    our hearts are heavy for you
  5. wildwoody

    They are starting to hit CC

    aint checkin!!!!!! -_- -_-
  6. wildwoody

    Gotcha elkaholic

  7. wildwoody

    check this YouTube video out!

  8. wildwoody

    Short notice!!

    wish i could , old cheif 1 broken feather :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. wildwoody

    Credit card question

    yup its in them there regs now lets see what happens, there pretty good about calling during the first applacation 10 day correction period, hopefully that makes some sence
  10. wildwoody

    and the wife asked for a new kid

    i thought you ment a real kid, we were going to send over a good group of men to get right on that, but apparently it was PREMATURE. LOL just busten. cool dog
  11. wildwoody

    Looking for a Toyota

    toys never die kid!!!!!!!
  12. wildwoody

    I'm waiting

    i want somke monies!!!!!! :D :D
  13. wildwoody

    whats your back up plan?

    wyoming speed goat for me. 17 bonus pnts for az , but im not optimistick and maybe head back to new jersey and get an eastern whitetail
  14. wildwoody

    I'm waiting

    can you put some money in my account please!
  15. wildwoody

    Photo Radar

    obay the speed limits and you'll have no problems. If you were speeding pay the ticket , take responseability for your actions which most americans don't do anymore. I live in starvally and i've never gotten flashed, how's glendale put it slowdown its our town!!! Oh ya no hurry all the good spots are allready taken, and the forest service have closed the other spots. But please respect our small hick town and slow down or go another way, we do have little rednecks running acrossed that road. only my thuoghts, not trying to be disrespectfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. wildwoody

    I'm waiting

    they add changes every year. i remember when the hunting comunity came unglued on them when they were haveing female inmates from nevada were prosesing our hard copy applacations, they were getting our socials, addresses and all our pertnent info, so then they started the online method, untill the USO and grizz larence were overloading us with out of staters, so then they started making us buy or lience before you got drawn, and now they keep extending there deadlines for putting in, but the deadline for your taxes will never change April 15th. oh that rant felt good thanks!!!
  17. wildwoody

    When will we see the first CC Hit??????

    were just there pawns. the joke is always on us!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. wildwoody

    I'm waiting

    have a freind that had the payment problem from the origanal deadline they let him buy the bonas point but thats all, and now there holding up the draw to allow others that had problems totally reaply, will anything they do at the game and fish office ever be fare for all. and in the mean time people with cabala's cards are getting canceled do to fruad, so what about them oh ya they already got there $13.00. i hope there getting all there money. maybe thell get it right on the deer draw. I'M DONE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. wildwoody

    Desert deer starting to drop antlers?

    i'd say mid april, and ya they were does
  20. wildwoody

    Swarovski 15x56

    sold yet
  21. wildwoody

    This Year

    cool out
  22. wildwoody

    This Year

    978 5096
  23. wildwoody

    22 lr

    Ya but i like lineing them up with the 300 ultra mag