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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    trust me coyotes don' really bother them, i use mine to locate them all day long, used to use the crow call but not anymore
  2. wildwoody

    A little Carp fishing

    that late 22n hunt is a great hunt we got 5 bulls last yr
  3. wildwoody

    Turkey Tactics!

    not totally true i've seen them drink all the time. middle of the day
  4. wildwoody

    Turkey Tactics!

    remember turking hunting useally end with woulda , coulda, shoulda you will find out they are amazing birds, and frustrating
  5. wildwoody

    A little Carp fishing

    caught me a 35 inch white armour out of greenvally park in payson last weekend on a micro lite rod with 4lb test what a rush. fish sticks anyone. lol
  6. wildwoody

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    girl you pay attention and you will be the menture soon. good luck kid get of the main roads and try to get on top of the ridges and lissen
  7. wildwoody

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    its shock goobling and i watched a tom kick the sh"t out of a coyote last yrs. hit the caller load for a few seconds then turn it of fast and listen usally around 4:45am they turn on like a switch
  8. wildwoody

    11 Year Old's Quest For Her First Elk

    love barns, good luck
  9. wildwoody

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    try a coyoty locater, i us my fox pro, remember they go by the moon not the weather. next weekend will be hot
  10. wildwoody

    Coues Dead Head

    doesn't look like a lion kill
  11. wildwoody

    Results are Up!!!

    great hunt had it last yr, missed 3 monsters
  12. wildwoody

    Results are Up!!!

    hunt the 300 rd and try to catch them before they get back to the res, good hunt
  13. wildwoody

    Phil's April Tom

    love them armstrong boys
  14. wildwoody

    Whitetail on trail camera

  15. wildwoody

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    going nuts this morning out by washington park in 22
  16. wildwoody

    Just a few(updated)

    da sorry just read your name shedhunteraz . great find
  17. wildwoody

    Good news- bad news?

    heck no your gonna kill deoblo
  18. wildwoody

    Thoughts on Second Archery Season in November

    i'd take the 23 hunt any day and sit water, done
  19. wildwoody

    Just a few(updated)

    is this new mexico again
  20. wildwoody

    22 South Archery Bull November Hunt

  21. wildwoody

    First time tag holders

    I'm assuming you're joking? Or is it the late hunt? ment the late but was supposed to be 22s late but both late hunts are tough, early hunts are great
  22. wildwoody

    Can I access my online application?

    they will not issue another tag all tags given out. make the best of it and get that meat. 6a was a real tough hunt last yr anyway
  23. wildwoody

    Results are Up!!!

    you can hunt 100 yrds apart on either side of the road they cross from 6a to 5bs back and forth if you find that spot
  24. wildwoody

    Results are Up!!!

    saw some studs during my early archery bull last yr
  25. wildwoody

    Help on AZ strip info

    its a secret