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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Goodluck to all the Youth Turkey Hunters

    just got report 27 going nuts, good luck to all you jrs.
  2. wildwoody

    Tag came in the mail!

    keep my name close and will hookup closer to the season. i'll no better what this year pattern is
  3. wildwoody

    AIMS Testing

  4. wildwoody

    Cool show on PBS 7 pm....Touching the Wild

    saw that last night that was awesome, felt bad for babe
  5. wildwoody

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    go gettum kidds shout straight and often
  6. wildwoody

    Tag came in the mail!

    i'll be shooten um up with you on that hunt, gess i better check they old box Thats your back yard, shouldn't have to go far! i can scout and glass from my front porch, i have a 4x4 and a 6x6 that are just starting grow new horns on top of property every night but thats on the 22n side but my front porch overlooks 22s
  7. wildwoody

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    4am may be a touch early but when there hot thyll shock gobble all night long, i usally see the action starting up around 445am and they will stay in the trees untill well after first light
  8. wildwoody

    24A early hunt

    yuff tag to draw.
  9. wildwoody

    Tag came in the mail!

    i'll be shooten um up with you on that hunt, gess i better check they old box
  10. wildwoody

    Arizona makes it legal to shoot endangered wolves

    ya kill them all.,. the funny thing is theyupset about the bison herds being slaughtered , but they want 300 head of bison out of the grand canyon park immeditly , hipocrets
  11. wildwoody

    boot suggestion

    some good ones that go on the feet
  12. wildwoody

    Turkey's are silent in 6a

    that dosent alert them, do you carry the truck with you.lol
  13. wildwoody

    Fire restrictions begin April 18

    well put, its about time the forest service made a good call
  14. wildwoody

    Double down on 2 Long Beards

    i got the fever :o :o :o
  15. wildwoody

    Will turkeys still be hot?

    thell be hot , hit the canyon top around jacobs lake area
  16. wildwoody

    3 for 4 on San Carlos hunt

    awesome story and cool pictures, hope to have the same success in 23 in 2 weeks
  17. wildwoody

    Shot new arrows, not what I expected ?

    have you taken it to a bow shop and have it reset up. had the same problem when i switch from easton 25/12 xx75 otherwise none as lincoln logs and changed to fullmetal jackets , and found i was chaseing the arrow, bow shop tunned her right up
  18. my dad told me once" a gun is like a car if you want to use it for it what it was mad for take it out, if you don't want to scratch it leave it in the garag"! but you need a bolt action anyway for them long canyon shots, accuracy, make the first shot count. back to the subject nice stuff. not much water in az
  19. wildwoody

    Ready to Hunt Hoyt Maxxis 31

    she gorgouse, i'm still shoting my hoyt havik. the amazing thing its specs are almost identical, but yours has about 20 more feet per second, and mine weighs 3.2lbs and split limb. they look so different but are so much the same. i do like it. maybe it time
  20. wildwoody

    Who's buying?

    nope buts all good,word of mouth not advertising
  21. wildwoody

    Who's buying?

    thanks amanda, you got a tough trying to make a bunch of grown "boys"men happy, thanks for all you do. KODOS
  22. wildwoody

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    on control rd to the left after wispering pines, hosten mesa , past the third crossing
  23. wildwoody

    Stabilizer setups

    wow never looked at it like that, but it makes total sence.