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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    2 gooblers down ,how did you do

    alright its time to learn how to post pics. will update
  2. wildwoody

    unit 27 early rifle

    i wanna go
  3. wildwoody

    WTB Tent Cots

    i liky me oversized slumberjacks
  4. wildwoody

    One out of Two tags filled

    ya baby
  5. wildwoody

    23 long beard. 10in beard

    nice got 23 this weekend , i'm pumped
  6. wildwoody

    Unit 27 Bull Done

    yes sir thats a wall hanger
  7. wildwoody

    AZ Unit 6a Archery Elk

    shouldn't have
  8. wildwoody

    Leftover Luck

    so did anyone get a tag, wow
  9. wildwoody

    looking for radios/tripod after boulder crushes old ones

    ya wow. i like my motorolas they work great thru the trees and mountains
  10. wildwoody

    AZ Unit 6a Archery Elk

    wow great story, had 5bs last year, got some info, pm me
  11. wildwoody

    Will turkeys still be hot?

    thyll be goobling into june
  12. wildwoody

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    go get them, the wind and rain not gonna be nice
  13. wildwoody

    Kingman Elk

    sounds tough
  14. apparently giving us back the december archery hunt in 22 was another tall tail from the gamies. amagine that. well the wolves have to eat to. man i wish amanda really was on the board
  15. wildwoody

    anyone guess what kind of snake this is??

    a really long snake is my goes
  16. wildwoody

    Good Coues

    looks like apossible lion kill
  17. wildwoody

    2014-2015 deer regs.

    now a late bab tag
  18. wildwoody

    Tag came in the mail!

    tag #13 for 22s is that bad luck for me or the elk. i'm not supperstitious, look out elk,
  19. wildwoody

    Shout Out to Little Creek Calls

    now thats what im talking about, brown on the ground, NICE
  20. nice , i had a newer model but my ex wife gave it away to some dude she boinked 1 night, hough
  21. wildwoody

    3 ft from our tent

    nice job
  22. wildwoody

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    This is the first day I have ever used it. Tried it with first light and a few more times till I quit at about 8:30. Suppose to work throughout the day. I was hesitant about spooking them too, but woody said he uses it all day long. Since I got the confidence I will continue using it, just as a locater. Then work in with hen calls, which I haven't done yet, been just leaving them after locating. I make it as load as I can. start of load to locate, your going for the shock gooble, when you locate them just keep them going , if your heading to the roust have someone stay back and call, and of your alone go towards the birds a slowly turn down the volume as you get closer. a cotote call won't spook them. works good after dark to locate for next day. save me a bird for next weekend. good luck killers
  23. wildwoody

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    good luck to this weekends hunters, the winds gonna suck.