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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Draw is soon

    my brothers , sisters , aint said gonna start hitting cards on tuesday
  2. wildwoody

    First Time Smokin'

    your killing me
  3. wildwoody

    3c/4b getting some much needed rain!

    nice, starvally gonna get hit soon
  4. wildwoody

    Scent Smoker

    it can't hurt
  5. still have the range finder
  6. wildwoody

    rock-n-rollin' earthqqqqquake baby! 10pm on the dot...

    when and where was this shaker at
  7. wildwoody

    The New AZ Ground Pounders 100 Inch Club

    awesome like always, levi you finally got him
  8. wildwoody

    headgear growth

  9. wildwoody

    Anybody see this?

    there gonna doit, its all about the benjamins
  10. wildwoody

    Anybody see this?

    wow, whats next. i just want them to open 22 and 23 december archery deer again. not another pain in our btts program, just manage the wildlife. PLEASE
  11. wildwoody

    Weatherby mark v ultralight 270wby mag

    how old is it
  12. wildwoody

    Short Outdoorsmans tripod $240

    how tail does that 1 go
  13. wildwoody

    Buffalo Hunting in Grand Canyon National Park

    i'm liken it, bison are tasty
  14. wildwoody

    Playing God

    id shoot him, just sayen, he was a breeder, i think he was happy.
  15. wildwoody

    Deer Draw

    i'm with tomorrow, never today
  16. wildwoody

    game plan

    kill somethin!!!!
  17. nice always wanted to fish colorado, maybe this is the year. thanks for sharen
  18. wildwoody

    Wyoming Draw Results are up….

    ya baby we got a mob headen up to 43, we have 10 people with 20 speed goat tags. GONNA NEED A BIGGER FREEZER, Yummmmmmy
  19. wildwoody


    yup worked great 3 days before they sent out the email that the draw was open online, i'm good hopefully the strip or the bab, the waiting begins, any bets on who long untill the credit card and draw results winning starts. just kidding, im good with it being extended
  20. wildwoody

    Would you or wouldn't you pull the trigger??

    every man and bull wants to die on top, while porking some hottie, shot that b##ch
  21. wildwoody

    what is the status of the coyote?

    kill them all then reload and kill the wolves, shoot straight and often.. reload again
  22. wildwoody

    My sleeping bag sucks/// Which one to get

    i got a canvas bag over sized -30, cost $72.00 from sportsman guide magazine, love it on top of my oversized slumberjack cott