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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Aug. Kaibab Buffalo Hunt

    ive shot 1-5yr old and a 8yr old bulls and they were tasty
  2. wildwoody

    Outfitter Standardization and Restrictions

    hay there only animails , not our fault there lower on the food chain. i'm not a guide but i'd rather they keep there rights and i keep mine. my opinion
  3. wildwoody

    Results are up

    son got 22 whitetail, sticks and razor blades for me
  4. wildwoody

    Draw results

    or 2pm
  5. wildwoody

    Navajo Mule Deer

    so what do you need a cook or glasser, to old to multi task anymore. i'm in chief with 1 broken feather. i still have the same number sqaw!!!!!!!!!!
  6. wildwoody

    Draw results

    all good
  7. wildwoody


  8. wildwoody

    Draw results

    well thats a poopy statement are you saying only the rich should hunt, that would be just great . the heck with the under payed. nice
  9. wildwoody

    Good bear?

  10. wildwoody

    Navajo Mule Deer

    as long as you got grillin beans. lmfao
  11. wildwoody


    you guys are nuts, its like english class, hopefully thats proper , or is it that is proper .lmfao
  12. wildwoody

    mountain lion ready for pick up

  13. wildwoody


    holy eastern.lol
  14. wildwoody

    A few pictures from the last week

    now thats a succesfull outing, thx for sharen
  15. wildwoody

    Draw results delay

    so goes life
  16. wildwoody

    We're supposed to have no antler growth this year right?

    1 monster 1 retard. thx
  17. wildwoody

    rattle snake tanning

    i was wondering if any of you nice brothers of the woods may have a good technique on tanning a rattle snake skin. killed a 3 foot 12 button timber rattler in back yard last night already skinned it, in fridge now. thanks for the help
  18. wildwoody

    water sources in 24b

  19. wildwoody

    Draw results

    id say with pepper
  20. wildwoody

    Be The Decoy Speed Goat

    make sure you also sell him a life insurance policy, just sayin
  21. wildwoody

    scouting pix

    nice 1
  22. wildwoody

    rattle snake tanning

    sounds goods thanks for the info from all