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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    Yes I do know that, but still not stopping them from adding the $5 and specifically alot it to the projects. But they wouldn't do that. I get it both ways. I could also say if they tightened there belt a little they could save much more the that, but we couldn't do that either. Good place to open a DNR that could care a little more about the animals instead of hunter opportunities. Just me means nuttin.
  2. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    Oh ya, just a quick ? Do we still believe that average age of hunters are going up every year? And theve been saying this I was a kid so the average hunter would be 48 yrs old now. Just thoughts
  3. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    Im seeing about a $100,000 difference, so do the 10 extra January February tags with the $13 put in fee, BAMM were there. Im still eating Jimmy Johns. Just saying. Or raise tag fees by $5 , now there's a chunk of change..
  4. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    To many points to waste on archery goat, and I will look into the big horn. Trphyhntr was say I believe 25 or 26 points for down at the border. Hopefully deer, 7pts
  5. wildwoody

    How bout them Devils!

  6. wildwoody

    Turkey shot size question (Updated)

    I will , just put new vortex scope on moseberge 500 , 10 gauge is point and shot. Here goes the shoulder again. Love it
  7. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    I believe a page back it was said 3 per species 30 total. But I like to be wrong.
  8. wildwoody

    Turkey shot size question (Updated)

    I'm confident out to 60yrds with my 12ga with #5 3" shells, and out to 90yrds with my double barrel 10gauge with 6 shot. And believe me it kills on both ends..
  9. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    Ya, wasn't the one guy from like Utah doing dual residence for big horn tags or sumptin like that.
  10. wildwoody

    22S Early Muzzle Loader Bull tags

    Just stay away from the masses..
  11. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    I just want a tag any tag.
  12. wildwoody

    Unit 6A

    Also some good ones by the look out tower on the Stowman lake rd..
  13. wildwoody

    Unit 6A

    There are some big butt Collared Peckery in 6a and lots of turkey birds.
  14. wildwoody

    Roosevelt report?

    Come on, any news. Going to do a trip Wednesday then its up to the Res for monster trout by the power lines.
  15. wildwoody

    22S Early Muzzle Loader Bull tags

    Come up put some boots on the ground, there's 3 or 4 areas that are pretty good. Contact me the week before the hunt. Should have an idea of what there doing.
  16. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    Many are call ins, and internet. Takes hours
  17. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    I like the game and fish. Thankless job for sure..
  18. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    Probably not..
  19. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    Totally agree, I just noticed over the years it breaks down to about 50%, after studies and admin. If everything was like tunnels to towers. But I do believe the money does help some.
  20. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    I pay atleast $200 year for the raffle that people from other states Win , why not just let the highest point holders pay a grand for there tag. heck I would
  21. wildwoody

    Making your wife's gun hers

    Ya thats true, but thats one beautiful rifle..
  22. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    Thank you well put. I agree with it help organizations like adbss , mule deer butt, a some others. Conversation is good. Only thing that stinks which is of course but yes there is much more hunter opportunities due to this effort, but now there are so many applicants thats its just like when Dean Peterson and Gary Barcom held there records there were only a few tags. Great post
  23. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    Your right, but it sucks to sit there for 4 hrs waiting for the online auctions to end, just to be reversed 2 hrs later. But I will be at the desert Bighorn banquet again in May.
  24. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    I highly respect you, but don't believe everything you here. Can I ask why it matters so much. And I am surprised for once its not money first with the Game and fish. There's plenty of money just mismanaged by people who don't care about hunters or animals. Jim G. has help a lot. Again nothing but respect and I'm normally wrong.
  25. wildwoody

    Auction tags

    I care which doesn't matter, the rich get the auction tags and the guides who block off roads and have 30 none hunting gumbies on every point . I have 28 points for antilope and 25 for Bighorn and will probably never get drawn, but being I'm poor I will keep trying and buying raffle tags I know ill never win. And you really think this money goes to the animals , I say it goes to administration and lawsuits. So in my opinion only Jimmy John and Gallo can donate the money if they love the animals that much, and put in like the rest of us. On that now bring the HATE. Im ready