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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    36a buck

    love seeing the ladies getting it done
  2. wildwoody

    Two Bucks Down!

    congrats to you both
  3. wildwoody

    First time in Kaibab

    love the bab
  4. wildwoody

    Unit 27 Buck

    nice mass awesome
  5. wildwoody

    Dad gets it done.

    good job
  6. wildwoody

    opening day desert buck.

    very well done
  7. wildwoody

    Backpacking Buck

    very cool
  8. wildwoody

    my wife's buck

    great family and deer
  9. wildwoody

    137 5/8" giant

  10. wildwoody

    tripod advice

    good luck
  11. wildwoody

    The Hightop Buck

    nice buck
  12. wildwoody

    Joined the 1000 yard group!!!!!!!

    just purchased new terrunts for my ziess conquest will take me out to 950yrds
  13. wildwoody

    youth hunt of a lifetime!

    thtas what i'm talking about kids killijng yes
  14. wildwoody

    Is it Friday morning yet?

    update the early deer hunt has been cancelled do to lack of interest. lol good luck to all i'm taking out the old man
  15. wildwoody


    good range finder lost mine last yr archery hunting
  16. holly killing machine yes you need help "SKINNEN"
  17. wildwoody

    Any advice with Wyoming antelope hunt guides?

    and bring your hunter ed card
  18. wildwoody

    This is why you should buy Vortex optics

    ya well did they come with a big buck!!!
  19. wildwoody

    Any advice with Wyoming antelope hunt guides?

    this yr we got 16 out of 20 speed goats, never use a guide just get your tresspass permits. YOU DONT NEED NO STINKING GUIDE
  20. wildwoody

    I Have returned...sorry for the delay

    heck ya