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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    never under estimate

    Amen! marriage is a partnership not an ownership, and binos are a little different then getting caught with your pants down!!! I got it easy with a couple brain surgeries for my eyes, and don't spend at the bar, she knows I need the expensive stuff, Zeiss, sawor's. So I get it. If it was a business she Would let me go for the overhead. forgiveness !!!!! Good dayi
  2. wildwoody

    Hanging a shoulder mount

    You'll no, drive them in on an angle
  3. wildwoody

    never under estimate

    Sometimes it better to ask for forgiveness then permission. Good luck
  4. wildwoody

    Roosevelt fishing

    A cross road
  5. wildwoody

    2 Bulls

    Them there are some nice rest bulls. Thanks for sharing
  6. wildwoody

    Who is going to Wyoming this year????

    No draw this yr, at least a bonus point
  7. wildwoody

    Tent Trailer Advise

    I have a star craft rt-11 love it , and I am selling it. #1 they take a lot of care, love, maintenance. #2 they depreshate fast if you buy new. I bought mine fore $12500.00 in 2005 its in great shape but probably only get $6500.00. #3 very easy to set up and break down, dry, and warm. I would take a pop up over a tent and a full sized trailer, much easier toeing.And the front quad rack is awesome for all your camping supplies or your full sized quad and 18" ground clearance. pop up yes. My opinion
  8. wildwoody

    My 2015 archery coues takin at 110yrds

    Blah,bla,bla if you can do it let it fly, free country . Can I be on your ignore list
  9. wildwoody

    Good day

  10. wildwoody

    FS Docter Optics 15x60 B/GA Nobilem Binoculars

    Why you getting rid of them , and what Is normal retail
  11. wildwoody

    Laws on minors hunting and shooting

    Sounds formelure
  12. wildwoody

    Hunting License Dates - Why the overlap?

    I believe you could only post date so far ahead if you asked, but if you just bought it while your other license was still valid, the new starts the day you buy it not when the other one expires. Hope that makes a little sence
  13. wildwoody

    150# Mtn Lion kills 220# Buck

    I remember that one
  14. wildwoody

    Laws on minors hunting and shooting

    The way I always under stud it was that from 10 to 14 you had to be accompanied by an adult, and at 15 you could hunt alone. Well that's what my kids did. 18 to own but not posses . And 21 to own a hand gun and 18 to posses I could be wrong
  15. wildwoody

    Youth bull in Eastmans

    very nice. I tried to get my 223" mule in there and wouldn't even put it on the back page. Congrats
  16. wildwoody

    Water in the backcountry

    Pack it and p$$# it out
  17. wildwoody

    350 Plus Bulls

    He's gonna be a biggin
  18. wildwoody

    Pakistani teachers kills student by accident

    No that's a lesson in gun safety
  19. wildwoody

    Antelope score

    Looks like fain ranch area
  20. wildwoody

    350+ in training

    Is that high fence?