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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Anyone know these 3 hunters

    Big 4x4 was the deer of choice, ya there happy
  2. wildwoody

    YOUR FIRED!!!!

  3. wildwoody

    Stinkin Patriots

    Good game, glad I wasn't voting on either team. Fun to watch
  4. wildwoody

    Is this legal?!?

    Nice 2py
  5. wildwoody

    So today I did this . . .

    let it ride.
  6. wildwoody

    Desert Hail Mary

    That buck looks like a scrapper. Nice job
  7. wildwoody

    Desert Hail Mary

    That buck looks like a scrapper. Nice job
  8. wildwoody

    Lion In A Cage Trap

    Pooped my pants
  9. wildwoody

    magna porting

    Thank you
  10. wildwoody

    Help or thoughts?

  11. wildwoody

    magna porting

    Nope a 300 Ultramag and a 270 weatherbymag, just preference. any one no someone thx
  12. wildwoody

    mule deer still rutting?

    Like rabbits
  13. wildwoody

    Help or thoughts?

    Check around water in the area
  14. wildwoody

    Major back fire or coincidence?

    Its all about control and money. Get it. We quit buying the tags they'll start to listen, but we wont because we love the chase, so we will adapt. I can remember 20yrs ago there weren't many archery hunters or the super equipment we have now. Well anyway this ls interesting, please continue
  15. wildwoody

    Major back fire or coincidence?

    Yup. We the people for the people, government is for them selves. My opinion
  16. wildwoody

    Kaibab ?

    The bab
  17. wildwoody

    AZ Ground Pounders 2014 Late Bulls

    Wow great bull jimbo, Levi your the man.congrats
  18. wildwoody


  19. wildwoody

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    How about 17 bps for speed goat. Any possibilities
  20. wildwoody

    Youtube video show guy shoot turkey in 13b with .597 22wmr

    Yup father shot his son
  21. wildwoody

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    Wife got 8pts any early riffle hunts with any chance.. thx