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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Here's a picture

    Got more will add later
  2. wildwoody

    Here's a picture

    A surface pro 2
  3. wildwoody

    Here's a picture

    Another, I'm getting it i'll make the premier members proud yet
  4. wildwoody

    anyone hireing deisel mechanics

  5. wildwoody

    Here's a picture

    Ya its side ways but I got it, i'll practice
  6. wildwoody

    Here's a picture

    Premier my a##
  7. wildwoody

    Tall Tripods

    I hate sleepy butt
  8. wildwoody

    anyone hireing deisel mechanics

  9. wildwoody

    Tall Tripods

    I agree $500 would be to much, got mine done for $150 for the longer legs and extension tube. And I'm only 5'10" so I don't put it Al the way up
  10. wildwoody


    Love mine
  11. wildwoody

    Tall Tripods

    Outdoorsman has the longer legs and you can also get the center tube extender
  12. wildwoody

    2005 Starcraft RT-11 Tent trailer

    Will post interior pictures this evening
  13. wildwoody

    Best way to review SD cards in field

    I've always used my compact digital camera, works great.
  14. wildwoody


    I'm gonna try willow. Where's a good place to buy a couple traps?
  15. wildwoody

    Calling Mule Deer

    I have called in many mules with a varment call and rattling but never with a deer call, then again never tried
  16. wildwoody

    Spotting scope regrets??

    Have a Nikon 20x45x80. Great scope but very touché at high magnification
  17. wildwoody

    2005 Starcraft RT-11 Tent trailer

    Fine $5500.00 firm. There I did it ! Ya it hurts , I love this this. I just don't use it enough
  18. wildwoody

    2005 Starcraft RT-11 Tent trailer

    I'm not toying with emotions, its just that I don't want to screw myself, but I want to make sure someone gets a good deal. I was hoping something under $6500.00 but there was a post from nada that said $4000.00 that is to low and for that I will keep it. So there's the window. I have only advertised it here to try to give a fellow member a good deal. And no I don't speedy english
  19. wildwoody

    Waitin' on Draw Results

  20. wildwoody

    2005 Starcraft RT-11 Tent trailer

    Ya the nada guide ain't gonna work. Blue book is much higher
  21. wildwoody

    2005 Starcraft RT-11 Tent trailer

    Ya in'll getter pop up today
  22. wildwoody

    2005 Starcraft RT-11 Tent trailer

    Ouch. Could donate it to the homeless, oh ya its not a coleman