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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    rare or normal

    Right on kiddo, great pic
  2. wildwoody

    24A Pinal Mountains

    Dang kids. Lol, there just picking abandoned litter
  3. wildwoody

    2005 Tacoma 4WD

    Love mine
  4. wildwoody

    anyone hireing deisel mechanics

  5. Just wondering if anyone is possibly looking for a young eager mechanic, he's 20yrs old and has graduated wyotech, in Wyoming. He has an apartment in mesa currently. Thanks any opportunity would be appreciated.
  6. wildwoody

    243 wssm ammo

    Pm me if you still have, very interesred
  7. wildwoody

    CVA Apex - now $500 UPDATED (one barrel sold)

    Ouch, will they work with the optima magnum
  8. wildwoody

    Better off dead

    So I guess we shouldn't kill ISIS either, just saying I don't care if they think they can't eat you they still have no problem bitting you.
  9. wildwoody

    anyone hireing deisel mechanics

    WHAT EVER!!!!!
  10. wildwoody

    BIG front end on a 7x8 on 6/9

    Nice fronts, he'll score well
  11. wildwoody


    Shooting at 2 nd. Drop a bomb on his a##
  12. wildwoody

    no need for sheep

  13. wildwoody

    anyone hireing deisel mechanics

    Thanks guys
  14. wildwoody

    Favorite unit

    Any unit I get to kill something in
  15. wildwoody

    no need for sheep

    To each his own.. my opinion. Maybe now we can work on some real problems, and gay marriage is a good form of population control. Just saying
  16. wildwoody

    Here's a picture

    the one on the right is bigger. Left 87 5/8. right 89 6/8
  17. wildwoody

    Here's a picture

    There figured it out
  18. wildwoody

    2005 Starcraft RT-11 Tent trailer

    Thanks for everyone interest and patients. Sale pending
  19. Great trailer, towes easy behind truck with 32" 33" tires with straight hitch. Easy up and down. Sleeps 6. Sink, stove grill, heater, 2 showers , toilet, water heater, fans and more, awesome for 2men on a to week hunting trip. Take a look. Thx $5500
  20. wildwoody

    2005 Starcraft RT-11 Tent trailer

    Interior pics added
  21. wildwoody

    Here's a picture

    Wildwood studio
  22. wildwoody


    Very nice