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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. Is that some deer behind him or a calf?
  2. wildwoody

    Ready for summer to be over

    That's my kind of ugly. It is a bad a$$ dog
  3. wildwoody

    Hooded Merg

    Awesome, are they in az?
  4. wildwoody

    Ready for summer to be over

    That's one ugly dog, lol
  5. wildwoody

    What will this buck score?

    Possible 3 scores below prong, I'm going with 82"
  6. wildwoody

    Non typical goat

  7. wildwoody

    Mule Deer Buck kills Older Deer!

    Wow, and they think hunters are bad. Brutal, I think I cried alittle
  8. wildwoody

    One week's growth

    Looks like he's got a kicker, nice
  9. wildwoody

    Should we be using ear protection?

    What? What??
  10. wildwoody

    BLACKBERRIES ripe yet???

    They are at my house
  11. wildwoody

    15X56 Swaro SLC $1450

    Vortex, they make bono,s. Love my 15s swaro's
  12. wildwoody

    Things to do in the NP?

    I like how you slipped in BBQ at my place, smooth
  13. wildwoody

    Kings 200" buck

    Clay scored mine at 221 7/8 BC and SCI scored him at 223 5/8 so I call him 223" doesn't really mater , point was pictures don't always show everything
  14. wildwoody

    Bulls are looking great!

    Bang, bang
  15. wildwoody

    Kings 200" buck

    What do you thick he scores. He's inside his ears
  16. wildwoody

    Kings 200" buck

    Yes great family, used to hunt with Josh'ys brother Creech before he tragically passed, I have also hunt with Jeremy and his parents. This buck was shot the fall after Creech passed , and is a great family memory in Creech's honor. Yes it is a 200" buck and maybe someday you'll shot one...... kid hater lol
  17. wildwoody

    couple elk

    Very nice
  18. wildwoody

    muzzleloader supplys

    Love pellets out of my optima mag
  19. wildwoody

    Now this is a fish!I

    Pretty crazy, just saw it on the news, crazy
  20. wildwoody

    Unreal as it lay

    Bad a$$. He should sell prints id take 1
  21. wildwoody

    Hopefully not your cam!

    While smoking dope,