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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Carrying Extra Rounds in the Field

    One shot one kill. Take good ethical shots and you won't need more then one extra clip. But I guess its like my father says , its all proportional to the amount of lead you put on the hill, but then then again he never hits much, practice and you won't need extra bullets
  2. wildwoody


  3. wildwoody

    Coues in velvet recommendations ? And SEPTs Elk Mount

    Probably around $750.00. For deer and around $1200.00 elk
  4. wildwoody

    Carrying Extra Rounds in the Field

    Yes you can, and I hope I'm there
  5. wildwoody

    Coues in velvet recommendations ? And SEPTs Elk Mount

    Lots of money, did you already kill or are you jinxing yourself, hay it happens
  6. wildwoody

    Stolen camera

    Well Str8shot, if you don't like herein it shut your pie hole, and stay out of it. Had all I can take from you holly then throw liberal BS. Shut the heck up. We no you love the socialist government, you should go work for Berny sanders campaign. Sorry for the rant everyone but I have had enough of the he she's pie hole. My opinion only
  7. wildwoody

    Ulmer Edge

    Just talked to an Ulmer, the difference e between the aluminum, and stainless is the threaded studs, 1 is a 6/32 thread and 1 is a 8/32 thread stainless deep six won't fit in full metal jackets, looks like I'll have to buy different arrows or eat 7 packs. Well now we no the difference
  8. wildwoody

    Still trying to locate Bulls for my first Elk Hunt in 6A:(

    Side of Hwy 87
  9. wildwoody

    Ulmer Edge

    Just ordered another 4 pack. Got some inside, will continue making them thru someone else just need to find blade manufacturer
  10. wildwoody

    Still trying to locate Bulls for my first Elk Hunt in 6A:(

    +1. You got cows, nice buck, price?
  11. wildwoody

    Bulls Are Frisky

    Where's Spiderman now
  12. Copper great love the barns thru my 300 ultra mag, need to clean barrel more often or you'll start casing them. And great for the health of our birds of pray. My opinion
  13. wildwoody

    Two solid bulls

  14. wildwoody

    Ya think maybe this guy has been robbed before???

    Would suck to loose the keys
  15. wildwoody

    Bulls Are Frisky

    Now that's taken one for the team!!! I've seen whites do it in November by the cobra ranch/Toole springs
  16. wildwoody

    Who's going this weekend

  17. wildwoody

    22lr ammo

    Stop by rim country guns when your uo here , he's always has a Varity
  18. wildwoody

    Ulmer Edge

    Thank you Jeff just ordered myself 3packs
  19. wildwoody

    tags in the mail

    I'm getting nothing this christmas
  20. wildwoody

    Arizona Department of Meat Transportation

    Bone it , let it cool over night drive it home, then cool immediately. Done. Just don't let it freeze then thaw
  21. wildwoody

    Unit 23 Youth Hunt

  22. wildwoody

    He is finished! Candlestick Buck

    420 buck
  23. wildwoody

    Wild Mustangs

    Kill them all, damb wild animals
  24. wildwoody

    He is finished! Candlestick Buck

    Very nice specimen!
  25. wildwoody

    Coues pics

    +1.next someone gonna ask where its at. Lol