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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    My unit 9 archery goat

    Very well done. Score?
  2. wildwoody

    1 last check before elk hunt

    That red one has got a belly. Lol
  3. wildwoody

    blow dart gun

    Had one and wore it out
  4. wildwoody

    Trophy Rooms

    I just as much fun hunting yotes , its the thrill of the case, un like Cecil the pet
  5. wildwoody

    How much $$$ to find one?

    Guides license would be needed because your making money off wild game, its just like being there, right fully you need one pack out a game animals if you receive money. Sorry not trying to be that guy
  6. wildwoody

    oracle camera stolen

  7. wildwoody

    Buck from this morning

    Next governors buck
  8. wildwoody

    Portable 7'x14'hunting cabin $2000 OBO

    Legal to tow?
  9. wildwoody

    Cant Wait!

    Who cares nice buck deers
  10. wildwoody

    Strange Hooves and Rack!!!

  11. wildwoody

    oracle camera stolen

    Here we go, i'm out!!!
  12. wildwoody

    can't wait for friday...

    Oh ya gimme some !!!! saw a nice buck today on the way to work
  13. wildwoody

    Desert Bighorn Mount for sale or trade...

    He doesn't look happy that you selling him
  14. wildwoody

    Trophy Rooms

    The lamp, I want a trophy room
  15. wildwoody

    Coues or Muley

    +1 on that, I like then donkey butts
  16. Sesame, i'd say would of grown a few more inchs, but who cares
  17. wildwoody

    San Juan Scapes

    Very nice pics
  18. wildwoody

    Eventfull day

    Awesome, and 2 nice bucks in the pond
  19. wildwoody

    27 south bighorn

    So he went 2yrs without a tag , so signed it down, hack dad I haven't been drawn in 8 yrs for deer, I want a sheep tag. Oh ya I'm not in the entitlement generation.lol Hope he shots a stud. Good luck kiddo
  20. wildwoody

    Predictable Lion

    It's not dead yet???
  21. wildwoody

    Too good to be true???

  22. wildwoody

    Stolen camera

  23. wildwoody

    Stolen camera

    +1, and sorry str8shot, yesterday I was on the rag, I do get what your saying, just busting ya