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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    First Archery Buck

    Smoked umm, great job
  2. wildwoody

    Any more opening weekend stories and success?

    All we saw was elk, antelope, turkeys, and a sh#$ can full of people in priasis oh and 1 doe. Hunt during the week here on out
  3. 10yrs old with the hunter Ed certificate for big game , small game they can start now. Squirrel is fun. Enjoy them while there young, and keep them out of that plane. Lol
  4. wildwoody

    Safe location

    Trial and error
  5. wildwoody

    I need a quick answer

    Never heard of it
  6. wildwoody

    Mt. Ord is crazy

    Weekdays are best
  7. wildwoody

    Opening Day Spot N Stalk Antelope

    And then, and then, and then????????
  8. wildwoody

    Opening day success updated/video

    Shots a little high, lol. Great looking buck congrats
  9. wildwoody

    Dead head pick up question

    Pick it up , the heck with the gamies , they say if it has hair you can't keep it. Put a old tag on it. Don't get them burrocrates involved
  10. Make sure they take the hunter safety course twice, teach them patients, and a successful trip isn't about the kill but the experience
  11. wildwoody

    i got caught red handed

    Nope, do you believe everything read on the internet, then read the law its all there.
  12. wildwoody

    New to Trail Cams

    Rember if you leave don't expect it to be there when you return, and don't post here if it gets stolen, we've been there
  13. wildwoody

    Archery Success!

    Well down sir, good looking boys
  14. wildwoody

    Invalid tag

    My buddies license has Ares scribbled out, Walmart purchase
  15. wildwoody


    I use both depends what I'm hunting and how I'm hunting. Example tree stand ulmers edge, they don't flout like some fixed blades will and fixed if I'm in my blind to shot thru the screen, mechanicals hang up. My prefrence only no science
  16. wildwoody

    Staying cool in a hot blind

    Just accept it your gonna be hot
  17. wildwoody

    Blaze Orange...yes or no?

    +1 on the pack out
  18. wildwoody

    August archery couse or Mule desert?

    Which ever one is dumb enough to walk in front of me first, that's how I decide, if its brown its down
  19. wildwoody

    Blaze Orange...yes or no?

    Full camo baby!!!
  20. wildwoody

    Buying half a cow

  21. wildwoody

    Big Thanks to Amanda and the CWT Crew

    Here here! Thanks again Amanda
  22. wildwoody

    Elk scout pics

    Shot um up, nice bulls
  23. wildwoody

    Successful Archery Tips?

    Woulda , coulda , shoulda. you have to figure out what's working, and remember the cows will bust you
  24. wildwoody

    World Record Muzzloader Pronghorn

    Very well down, and congrats to the hunter