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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    3a tag and now a little regret.

    +1 , just go shot a big one, you choose the unit and game and fish wouldn't give out more tags then there are bucks. The heat waves will even so up in December. Now get out there and shot us a toad. Goodluck
  2. wildwoody

    No see ums

    Never saw them. Lol
  3. wildwoody

    My first Antelope tag and I was able to fill it!

    Awesome thick archery buck
  4. wildwoody

    Freeze dried horns?

    we inject the vanes with borax works great, taxidermist will do fine
  5. wildwoody

    Courtney's gun

    Very nice, I'm jealous
  6. wildwoody

    Archery Coues

    The next Chuck Adams, congrates
  7. wildwoody

    Ex - wife's sewing machine

    Are you taking offers own both
  8. Ya I'm the dude, didn't look 140+ , so let me retract my statement, he's huge and so is the guy how shot him, don't get butt hurt
  9. wildwoody

    Kaibab Muley

    Any way nice buck Jeremy, same beans as mine, dumb I miss Cheech
  10. wildwoody

    Which one?

    Would be the one but missing a prong, pass I still go with #2
  11. wildwoody

    3 months of watching Coues

    Usually get my shots around 11am to 1pm. deer know , oh ya they know
  12. wildwoody

    When will the rut end?

    When the last nut is blown
  13. Yup!!! World class beast, I was just saying this day in age its not huge, 10yrs ago he would have been, only my opinion, still an awesome buck.
  14. wildwoody

    Little brothers first buck

    Congrats, looks scrappy
  15. wildwoody

    Mountain in trophy room

    Where did you hunt ? At one of those Texas exotic petting zoo. Looks cool
  16. wildwoody

    (2) Archery strip bucks down!

    Wow awesome, welcome to the 200+ club
  17. Where's the big goats, dinks
  18. wildwoody

    Opinions on archery mule deer strategy

    That there is some good advice
  19. wildwoody

    Roadside southern AZ Coues

    Road hunters ha
  20. wildwoody

    Monster unit 8 buck!

    Congrats, and don't judge