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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Anyone having problems with putting in for spring draw

    No receipt, no proof they screwed up, CYA
  2. wildwoody

    Looking for 223 wssm Ammo

    243 wssm , I had to start reloading mine also
  3. wildwoody

    How's about those Cardinals!!!

    May be the year
  4. wildwoody

    Attention houndsman

    I under stand
  5. wildwoody

    Rut action

    They are wild animals
  6. wildwoody

    Marlin Model 60 22LR $150

    dang I need to replace mine
  7. wildwoody

    Attention houndsman

    Ground ponders, enough said
  8. wildwoody

    Let's Make a Deal if you have 12 or More Bonus Points

    Why not Mormons??
  9. wildwoody

    anyone else have problems in 6a?

    Again, enough already
  10. wildwoody

    Let's Make a Deal if you have 12 or More Bonus Points

    I got 19 bouts points for speed goat
  11. wildwoody

    Anyone need help in 22 on the youth hunt?

    Any luck today with them bulls?
  12. wildwoody

    Hit a good bull in 7 west coulndt find him

    Coyotes gotta eat to
  13. wildwoody

    Trail Cam Pics 2015 at Small Wallow (Dates are wrong)

    Cool, bet you there huge now
  14. wildwoody

    Unit 22

    You spell like me 'sins'. There taking a break now, it will be great
  15. wildwoody

    2016 spring draw

    Can put in as of today the 25th and dead line Oct 13th
  16. wildwoody

    How Many Bonus Points Did It Take to Draw?

    8 pts and nada here either
  17. wildwoody

    Ever seen this.

    Old boxer
  18. wildwoody

    What's the big deal

    We chime and help when we can.
  19. wildwoody

    What's the big deal

    The secret is all part of a hunters strategy, its not personal
  20. wildwoody

    Let's Make a Deal if you have 12 or More Bonus Points

    +1. Broken tape. Anyway doesn't the draw average out the bonus points, so like if I have 8 and you have zero it would average 4 bonus points correct. Why would anyone want to waste there extra chances on a swupper. Just wondering
  21. wildwoody

    Let's Make a Deal if you have 12 or More Bonus Points

    340 my ??????
  22. wildwoody

    Coues Deer Activity Unit 22

    They go nocturnal
  23. wildwoody

    Coues Deer Activity Unit 22

    Lions in the area dosn't help