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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Unit one youth elk

    Come on now, I use heat seeking bullets on with my claw. Lol. Awesome kid
  2. wildwoody

    had a GREAT morning

  3. wildwoody

    Good luck to all the youth hunters

    You go girl....
  4. wildwoody

    Wyoming Tag Punched

    That's Wyoming there everywhere, that's why I keep my bullets in my pack. Great job
  5. wildwoody

    Shooting at NAU

  6. Put many of deer in the back of my mustang back in the day. Well down
  7. wildwoody

    Question size of bull elk

    That's a biggen
  8. wildwoody

    $2000 Africa Hunt for 4

  9. wildwoody

    Do you use shooting sticks?

    Bam done....
  10. wildwoody

    Shooting at NAU

    I'm sick of these young 25yrs and under video game playing punks shooting everyone up thinking that they'll just spon and come back to life destroying our gun rights. The Obama generation, stay at home don't get a job stay on your parents ins until your 26 , losers, ya and some are going to school on the government. Reagan said "stop blaming society for crimes of an individual, hold the individual responsible for there actions." only my opinion
  11. wildwoody

    Do you use shooting sticks?

    What ever happened to each his own, the military us tripods, gun rest, clean kill is what its all about.only my opinion, so don't call me names I'm senceitive
  12. wildwoody

    That time again.

    50 cal.
  13. wildwoody

    That time again.

    Some father up on the soefly was teaching there kid some bad habits already, shooting before day light, couldn't even see thru the scope and bullets were flying, starting another generation of bone heads, come on dads, why not just spotlight. Awesome cow , congrats young lady
  14. wildwoody

    euro 7 days from kill

  15. wildwoody

    Youth elk

    Go get um there hot in 22
  16. wildwoody

    Do you use shooting sticks?

    Tape lots of tape
  17. wildwoody

    22 s muzzleloader

    Me what???
  18. wildwoody

    Do you use shooting sticks?

    Make sure you don't buy cheap ones, they slip and wobble , also get ones that you can shot sitting or standing and they have the swivel top. Then you'll love them
  19. wildwoody

    Do you use shooting sticks?

    Stone creek makes some nice ones, I like prone position
  20. wildwoody

    22 s muzzleloader

    Very crappy, I wouldn't put in for it. 270" ave
  21. wildwoody

    New Forum

    Not for this guy
  22. wildwoody

    Best Route Phoenix to Denver?

    I-40 to albergurce then I-25 like averagejoe said . About 12hrs. Lots of speed goats to look at
  23. wildwoody

    36a October hunt hot spots

    Hole experience, did you get buzzed by customs, then you the experience. No hot spots here.
  24. wildwoody

    WTS cute handgun

    My wife has a better one, but cool. I have my pocket gun. 460 s&w hunter. 14" barrel, big pocket