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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Help in Unit 22?

    You da man!!!!
  2. wildwoody


    They'll be there especially the does and spikes, they stay in the same spot, the big buck will also be around, look hard. Not much meat on a spike
  3. wildwoody

    Skilled Trade Help Wanted

    He'll that's worth $20.00 lol
  4. wildwoody

    180" Buck

    So how many people are gonna take a picture with the same buck. I want a photo op....
  5. wildwoody


    Pics would help
  6. wildwoody

    Small bucks, Big memories.

    Brothers killing brothers . Double congrats
  7. wildwoody

    Finally a buck bigger than the boiling pot

    Spended buck, congrats
  8. wildwoody

    Elk from the 2015 season

    Very nice bulls..
  9. wildwoody

    36B Right Now

    Nice buck, where's the monster you bedded down???
  10. wildwoody

    Unit 10

  11. wildwoody

    Opening Day Muley

    awwwwwwesooome buck you got , does he break 190" looks like he has alot of mass. Congrats
  12. wildwoody

    Abigail the princess huntress

    Love it when the ladies connect. Ouch on the future son on laws comment....
  13. wildwoody

    36B Right Now

  14. wildwoody

    36B Right Now

    Tick tock, tick tock, the spring results will be out before he updates, ground ponders got a 125"
  15. wildwoody

    Little shed

  16. wildwoody

    There's still deer in 24B

    Not anymore you just shot the last one... good job
  17. wildwoody

    21 year wait Antelope hunt

    Awesome buck, sucks about getting scoped
  18. wildwoody


    I guess we no how you roll..
  19. wildwoody

    2015 deer season may the games begin

    Well done, pack out sucks
  20. wildwoody

    In Camp Drinking Beer Right Now

    No that's what I'm talking about, deers, beers, and bros