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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Lighting up the Sky tomorrow

    He'll ya you the man... do it again
  2. wildwoody

    Lighting up the Sky tomorrow

    Right on I'll be watching
  3. wildwoody

    1st time for a donated tag. 22n

    Did you try where I told you..
  4. wildwoody

    Help Please..... unusual request.... REWARD

    dang like the mule tape idea.. good luck they are awesome . Have you checked with highway portal, adopt, and the sheriffs office, worth a shot??
  5. wildwoody

    Rollercoaster Elk (Squirrel & Coyote too) Hunt

    Great story and hunt, but a little concerned about the piggy back ride while you have a gun on your shoulder, not good in my opinion which means nothing.
  6. wildwoody

    Effects of so many monsters killed on the strip this year

    Hopefully no buddy will put in for it next so I can get my tag. The heard os just fine, great genes
  7. wildwoody

    22north advise

    There moving around..
  8. wildwoody

    My grandfather in late 40's

    Very cool, but you should have seen it in color ....
  9. wildwoody

    Looking for USED outdoors mans tripod adapter

    They last forever , that's probably no has a used one.. good luck
  10. Thank you sir, that is a great ram and I hope someday I will have the pleasure to hunt with you in my ram hunt. And I agree 2 to many.
  11. wildwoody

    Back yard bucks

  12. So great ram but doe that means 2 monster rams taken out of 22 this year by out of starters, how many tags were in 22? Not trying to start anything just curious.
  13. wildwoody

    Rifle went haywire!

    Maybe your turning into a shacky old fart
  14. wildwoody

    Federal B.O.R. Lock

    Sabot out of my cva optima mag with 150 grns of 777. Dropped my bull like right now..
  15. wildwoody

    Redemption Buck

    Ya id say you been redeemed,, looks like at least 40" of mass..
  16. wildwoody

    Spring draw mess up solution

  17. wildwoody

    Headed to 31, Last minute advice

    Ya shot something. Goodluck
  18. wildwoody

    1st deer

    Love them big 2ps , congrats to your bro.
  19. wildwoody

    Spring results

    Yes sir, ain't that screwed up
  20. Blah, blah, blah. Close my woods, no one should have rights but me. Blah, blah
  21. wildwoody

    my son Anthony first bull elk

    Awesome, looks like 22's short fronts