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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Draw question

    Oh man there never gonna get it !! Simple math
  2. wildwoody

    Spot and stalk coues

  3. wildwoody

    Lost Scott Exxus trigger release

    Good luck!!!!
  4. wildwoody

    6A Dec

  5. wildwoody

    heart broken

    That sucks
  6. wildwoody

    Doe chewing on antlers

    This sounds very familiar
  7. wildwoody

    My 2015 Arizona Late Bull

    Very nice
  8. wildwoody

    Looking to buy some .22LR for Xmas ...

    They got them her in payson
  9. wildwoody

    Draw odds app

  10. wildwoody

    That's a big bear

    I ain't going back in them woods!!!!! dang
  11. wildwoody

    Epic First Hunt!

    Very nice specimen ....
  12. wildwoody


    Nope there going of the honor system this year.
  13. wildwoody

    Snow Goose UPDATED

    You the man, what's next my friend ???
  14. wildwoody

    Pretty Awesome First 13 Months of Hunting!

    Speechless. Well done kid
  15. wildwoody

    Family camping tent??

    I think I'm going with the cabala's alaikinak 12x12
  16. wildwoody

    My coolest find to date

    Very cool
  17. wildwoody

    44BN Hunt

    Living the dream..
  18. wildwoody

    Target Panic Cure?

    Just shoot. Quit thinking so much. But if you have to shoot from 5 yards away to practice, ya I'd quit..
  19. wildwoody

    Christmas Theme....getting in the spirit!

    Just changed one day, well done ounce again. I'm so glad we have a level headed woman to be our leader. You really should run for president..... thanks again for your hard work you do on your site..
  20. wildwoody

    2016 Coues Calendar

    Bring it...
  21. wildwoody

    tags or refund yet?

    Negative ...
  22. wildwoody

    15x56 Swarovski Optic For Sale

    Any buyers yet
  23. wildwoody

    1st time for a donated tag. 22n

    You worked your but off..