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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    New Year, New Bow, New Results

    I'm jealous ..
  2. wildwoody

    New Year, New Bow, New Results

    He'll ya now go get your deer tag she's got all year to forgive you. Nice stinker, how you cooking it???
  3. wildwoody

    SOLD- Swarovski 8x30 rangefinder

    Your killing me smalls.
  4. wildwoody

    First deer!

    Love the extra with the fork, well done and welcome
  5. wildwoody

    Unit 22 archery noob

    Water holes are out right now.
  6. wildwoody

    SOLD- Swarovski 8x30 rangefinder

  7. wildwoody

    strange find..feral Goat??

  8. wildwoody

    RUT REPORT 2016

    22 is hoping, tungs dragging and we#ners sticking straight out....
  9. wildwoody

    Teaching your children

  10. wildwoody

    Unit 22 archery noob

    Stop it. Deer everywhere no pigs
  11. wildwoody

    Help in 37b can't find any pigs...

    22 any spottings?
  12. wildwoody

    Holy poop!

  13. Where's the pics of the kill or mount.. give it up. Splendid buck if I don't say my self
  14. wildwoody

    2016 Archery Mule Deer

  15. wildwoody

    Archery desert buck

    Very nice..
  16. wildwoody

    Any rutting down south

    Them ladies are smelling good in 22, the bucks have lost there minds, haven't found any pigs but glassed 12 buck's chasing hard.
  17. wildwoody

    Estimate the year

  18. wildwoody

    How many points to report to AZGFD?

    Don't count brow points here, easterners !!
  19. wildwoody

    father son double

    Well done
  20. There seem to be alot more ducks and geese around Payson this year
  21. wildwoody

    I need to fish more

  22. wildwoody

    I need to fish more

    That girl has a face to protect that body, nice fish thow
  23. wildwoody

    I must have this

  24. wildwoody

    December pics?

    That last pick has some mass, well down