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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Kuiu clothing--SOLD

    Who much both pair of paints, my boy where's 32
  2. wildwoody

    credit card got hit.

    Sounds about write. See I posted first
  3. wildwoody

    Card go hit!

    No I'm the winner post my card got hit 3 days ago, yup I'm the dirt bag
  4. wildwoody

    credit card got hit.

    Hay my credit card got mot my eyes got nipple burns..lol
  5. wildwoody

    Hopi Hunts

    Used to do the any op hunts on east and west sunset Mt, then they did away with the bull tags. No fun anymore..
  6. wildwoody

    credit card got hit.

    Your right ..
  7. heck ya, getting 4 bulls in December, figuring 3 trucks
  8. wildwoody

    credit card got hit.

    What about my award, ill take a $20 tab at the street or babes
  9. wildwoody

    credit card got hit.

    Well done..
  10. wildwoody

    Robbed, but tagged out.

    Nice sucks about theifs
  11. wildwoody

    Binos-Let's hear it...

    Theres alot of great deals here on swaro 15s picked up a second pair for my son for $1200.00 great shape and I don't see much difference between slc and the hd, but the el's are to die for. Just remember what ever you choose , to tell good glass , look at the outside radius and it should be as clear as the middle, bad glass will be foggy on the outside edge, good glass is clear. My opinion only
  12. wildwoody


    Apparently you are all unbearable
  13. wildwoody

    Any advice would help.

  14. wildwoody

    Sonora Mexico was good once again

    Very nice would love to go some day
  15. wildwoody

    Where do you keep your bow?

    Hanging on one of my elk racks in head room with the other 2
  16. wildwoody

    If you had 25 points

    F unit 10 and the whining 4a is where I shot my 2 monsters
  17. wildwoody

    Where were you this day, 1986?

    In school, senior in high school. Wrote my final on the whole thing. A+. I here the Sa is still being used by kids today. My legacy. Lol
  18. wildwoody

    If you had 25 points

    Go with trophy hunter..
  19. wildwoody

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    That's why I don't hunt unit 10
  20. wildwoody

    What track is this???

    Shoe print cut off by tire track, looks like the new Nike airs
  21. wildwoody

    Does anyone with 10-11pts want to put in together?

    My wife got 14. But from the way they talked about you ah heck no....