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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Fire Restrictions

    Cool no they won't burn it down. Don't understand why people get so upset when they can't camp without a camp fire. Ok now let me have it fire lovers....
  2. wildwoody

    Rain is here!!

    Last minute.. that sucks
  3. wildwoody

    Bikini's and Bowfishing

    dang had to watch that twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. One that hits the vitals every time....
  5. wildwoody

    Rain is here!!

    Star valley is getting dumped on, oh ya
  6. wildwoody

    Jewell Trigger REM 700

    $400.00 that's half a gun...
  7. wildwoody

    Please Pray for Me and My Family

    You got this, if there taking it slow then they hopeful y don't think it's life threatening. Keep your chin up.
  8. wildwoody

    What is preferred

    I start to cape it about mid stomach then split up inside of legs, the more cap is best, skin it to the last vertebrate, or brain stem cut neck off at last vertebrate, they'll love you and if you can cape out the head, cut about a 6in v from the back of each horn to the center of the back of the neck, glove out up from the noes, keep as much tear duck and push the eye in and cut as deep into the eye socked as you can, then cut the ears at the ear drum, then come from the back of the scull were you cut the v and work you way back to the front. Use a screw driver to skin tight around horn bases, then the cape should be loose from skull and come right off, put flesh to flesh together , roll it up. Keep dry and cold. He will love you , less stitching . Then you can do a European until its ready to mount. if this is to much to handle just get it to him asap. Don't drive around with it in the truck and try not to get it to wet if possible. Oh ya shoot a monster.
  9. wildwoody

    Using Live Bait for Catfish

    Blue gill canon..
  10. wildwoody

    Things That Make Me Happy

    My trophy room.
  11. wildwoody

    Do you really need a truck to hunt...

    My first hunting was in a mustang trunk had many deer in it..
  12. wildwoody

    Things That Piss Me Off

    25' drop just wrong....
  13. wildwoody

    Things That Piss Me Off

    Met a pan handler in Hollywood while working on an arby's, it was after 5 pm he was looking for a match, I've gave him a lite and we talk for a few. He said he was of work which included pan handling 5 days a week made $200,000 grand a year then drove of in his BMW:
  14. wildwoody

    New Zealand 2016 (pic heavy)

    Oh heck ya
  15. wildwoody

    Meat from animals in the rut

    Yes I have the same outcome from an elk and deer, age also was a factor, lots of BBQ sauce or make jerky, taste great
  16. wildwoody

    Had to rescue some Trail Cams from Wildfire

    Nice, no hard info just what we were told about camp sites, blonds and tree stands and camera's after 72hrs are considered abandon. Yes I see them every where also.
  17. wildwoody

    He's home

    Very unique ..
  18. wildwoody

    12 a archery question

    Nice +1
  19. wildwoody

    Anyone still shed hunting?

    They didn't drop this year..
  20. wildwoody

    Had to rescue some Trail Cams from Wildfire

    72 hrs before and after hunt or its abandon, liter, my understanding, but I don't care to each his own, and I'm probably wrong like usual. Still great footage, always wanted to no what the middle of a fire looked like. Straight8 would no better.
  21. wildwoody

    Had to rescue some Trail Cams from Wildfire

    My ? Was I didn't think you were allowed to keep camera's out all year long any more
  22. wildwoody

    Had to rescue some Trail Cams from Wildfire

    Very cool but I thought no feed and trail cams only at hunt time 3 days before and after, anyway pretty cool
  23. wildwoody


    I think your math is off $37.50 for 5 hundo
  24. wildwoody

    Couldn't believe it

    No they have been down that way for several years. Lots of water back in there.
  25. wildwoody

    Couldn't believe it

    He'll there also down by fountain hills