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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Swarovski 10x42 slc

    Are you a dealer? ; you be selling alot of binos..
  2. wildwoody

    What feature would you like on your GPS.

    Poon, it gets a little boring out there some times, also with a bigger screen.
  3. wildwoody

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    I think I saw him in the back of someone's truck. lol.
  4. wildwoody

    I am Tired!!!

  5. wildwoody

    Kids' Fly Fishing Trips

    Awesome, now take them somewhere with bigger fish.. priceless
  6. wildwoody

    Time for a good head cleaning.

    That's funny I just told my wife the same thing, spit shine...
  7. wildwoody

    Stolen Bows

    String them up.
  8. wildwoody

    Az Deer Association....Winner Posted........

    4 tickets I'm in.
  9. wildwoody

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    July 12th 7am
  10. wildwoody

    Tree Stand: Hang On or Climber for AZ

    Don't leave it to long, it will get stolen..
  11. wildwoody


    Love them kids...
  12. wildwoody

    Bad day with a .500 S&W

    Love my 460 s&w
  13. wildwoody

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    Blah, blah, blah
  14. wildwoody

    What do you think about this?

    Hay Adam how big is that tarp you still have??
  15. wildwoody

    What do you think about this?

  16. wildwoody

    Field day

    Looks like a blast, I miss those days
  17. wildwoody

    48 hour soak

    Just boiled up 5lbs from Louisiana, yum...
  18. wildwoody

    Obama's America

  19. wildwoody

    Message to gun grabbers

  20. wildwoody

    Camo (NEW &worn once)

    Take for $50.00 what, there are people waiting in line for $100.00. You must do yard sale dickering
  21. wildwoody

    Billboard in Star Valley

    I think he was just saying he had a rough experience, not a bad business. That's the why I took it anyway, and I guess none of my business.
  22. wildwoody

    Camo (NEW &worn once)

    Pm sent
  23. wildwoody

    Az Pronghorn and Cinnamon Black bear

    Pretty little buck and love the bear shoulder mount..
  24. Somebody better jump all over this, I have the same 2001 1500 ram single cab and love it awesome truck with very low miles, last year with front pumpkin. and probably still has cassette player, buy it you won't be sorry.