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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Hand-held Two-way Radios?

    Love my Motorola's I get 10+ miles but cost 179.00 each
  2. wildwoody

    Good weekend at alamo

    Nice stringer..
  3. wildwoody

    Best trail cam these days?

    One that doesn't get stolen..
  4. wildwoody

    Would you shoot this bear?

    Nicely put..
  5. wildwoody

    Another buck done

  6. wildwoody

    Would you shoot this bear?

    Well, ok If I must....
  7. wildwoody

    Big buck is done!

    Now theres some crazy character, love it....
  8. wildwoody

    Big fronts

    Yes sir probably why he's got weak tops so far, I'd wack him
  9. wildwoody

    I've heard of messing with cameras..

    Anyway if it was a ranger they would have removed it. Id say poop bucket
  10. wildwoody

    I've heard of messing with cameras..

    Why in the heck do you even have a stand up right now????
  11. wildwoody

    Phoenix people are rude

  12. wildwoody

    Looking for....

    Very vague request..
  13. wildwoody

    ***SOLD*** DELETE

    Have they only been shot once?
  14. wildwoody

    Unit 22 - need help!

    Man. Just scout around the dump, you'll do fine there
  15. wildwoody

    muley hunt

    Nice bucks., but is the hunter on witness protection, never see his face..
  16. wildwoody

    Card Update

    Let the hate bashing begin
  17. wildwoody

    Few bulls 6/09-6/13

    Couple possibles
  18. wildwoody

    Please Pray for Me and My Family

    There you go,
  19. wildwoody

    Just My luck

  20. wildwoody

    Coues in 4K

  21. wildwoody


  22. wildwoody

    71 Days Out

    Lets hope so
  23. wildwoody

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    Ok I'll go July 12th 8am
  24. wildwoody

    Az Deer Association....Winner Posted........

    Idaho, that's my last donate.
  25. wildwoody

    Az Deer Association....Winner Posted........

    And then????