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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    My sons 5x5

  2. wildwoody

    Camp meals

    Pre made breakfast burritos, or breakfast sandwiches and OJ packs. Lunch is wraps or sandwiches in a flat Tupperware because I hate smashed and mushy sandwiches.
  3. wildwoody

    Bow Mule Deer Decoy

    Just kidding but I would.
  4. Yup, and I seen um
  5. wildwoody

    Bow Mule Deer Decoy

    Ah, i'll give him $55.00 plus shipping.
  6. Same as a human ...
  7. wildwoody

    Bow Mule Deer Decoy

    I'll take it
  8. wildwoody

    Late season calling

  9. wildwoody

    Opening day

    Getter done.
  10. wildwoody

    Should you get a tag if you can't read English?

    Nope on both sides of that there boarder, because none English speaking terrorist can get a tag, and they would F shxt up..
  11. wildwoody

    An incredible elk season!

    Wow that was great..
  12. wildwoody

    Swarovski 15x56 SLC

    These won't last. Great price
  13. wildwoody

    Who's Ready?

    23 late whitetail won't be here soon enough. Just got the 300ultra re done, glassed , break, trigger , topped with custom rail and rings to hold the 25 power Zeiss with Kenton turret , oh ya new thumb hole stock, oh ya can't wait to let the lead fly. Good luck to all you early hunters
  14. wildwoody

    Logan Got It Done

    Well done young man
  15. wildwoody

    What a weekend in 17b

    Sweet, great memories
  16. wildwoody

    Dead Head

  17. wildwoody

    Junior elk hunts **update**

    Looks taste, well done
  18. wildwoody

    Daughter's hunt

    That's great, congratulations
  19. wildwoody

    WY - A long time coming

  20. wildwoody

    WY - A long time coming

    dang Bob!!!
  21. wildwoody

    Non-Fried Squirrel Recipes?

    Cook squirrel parts in a little olive oil, onions , simmer, then add tomato sauce, and a little corn bread. Yummy
  22. wildwoody

    unit 22

  23. wildwoody

    Outdoor Edge or Havalon?

  24. wildwoody

    San Carlos

    $15000.00 plus , and then guide feed