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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    AGFD Wolf Announcement

    Build it tall..
  2. wildwoody

    my 5x5 opening day buck

    Very nice..
  3. wildwoody

    Nephews 12aw Late Buck

    Awesome bucks , I want one
  4. That's amazing how good ultra sound has gotten, congratulations to you and your wife, l hope your wife. Lol
  5. wildwoody

    Late Archery and First Bull

    Sweet bull. Congrats
  6. wildwoody

    Sheds for days

    Holly bone pile
  7. wildwoody

    Any Black Friday Scope Deals?

  8. wildwoody

    Range Finder

    Love my new Zeiss
  9. wildwoody

    Portal Account results are up!

    Buffalo with 4 points. Crazy
  10. wildwoody

    Super moon hike

    Killer. Looks awesome up here in star town
  11. wildwoody

    Potential world-record nontypical buck taken in Tennessee

    Well now, he didn't sit back 8'. What a giant
  12. wildwoody

    Elk camp help/mentor

    That's a great idea. Oh you just past up a great hunting spot. Lol
  13. wildwoody

    Elk camp help/mentor

    Do you glass , my son has a late 22 bull hunt and we always love sharing time in the woods with others
  14. He's big but why didn't you set 8' back so he would really really big. Congrats
  15. wildwoody

    Late Archery Bull

  16. wildwoody

    Early season bucks.

  17. wildwoody

    Success! sort of....

    That's what I am talking about !!!!
  18. wildwoody

    2016 Muley

    Nice buck , he's got one big head, congrats
  19. wildwoody

    Well... bye...

    Don't let the door hit ya where good lord split you
  20. wildwoody

    unit 28 bull roughly 350

    Nice bull but 350?
  21. wildwoody

    Wtb 10x binos

    Good bingo's
  22. wildwoody

    Boots / AR 15 ACC

    Just bought 4 more. Any pics