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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Night Hunting

    Don't forget about them coon's
  2. wildwoody

    Found Old Plane Crash

    Theres is one in the matazel's
  3. wildwoody

    Zeiss spotting scope

    Maybe a good pack scope
  4. wildwoody

    Docter Aspectum 30x80 binos

    How old?
  5. wildwoody

    Fair Chase in Arizona ...

    They only come in at night anyway, find a good trail.
  6. wildwoody

    Count your AZ blessings!!!

    What the duck !!!
  7. wildwoody

    Conservation For Generations

    Very cool. Not often you see a horse let someone put a lion on it's back. Great story, so true with our elders. Calm and cool
  8. wildwoody

    2016 Antelope Home

    Very nice ..
  9. wildwoody

    Game and Fish Comment Periods

    Wait, you can road hunt in the portals ???
  10. wildwoody

    Game and Fish Comment Periods

    Hunter's , we just bad people. But hay don't hunt them within a quarter mile, just poison them like a resident did in chaparral pines a few years back. And what's the deal with hunting within 1/4 mile of a camera, just take it down the day before the hunt oh and I find it funny when they say hunting is slowing going away because there are no new hunters but this year there is a 10% increase.
  11. wildwoody

    Shed Hunting

    Nope, mid april
  12. I'm thinking a nice round about, then the speeders will have a speed jump. Not looking for uncle sam to watch everything I do , in fact I don't want uncle sam to watch anything I do. Just don't want any harm done to innocent people, and we have had many accidents do to bad hunters speeding to there bad spots with a beer between there legs. Lol. wait for it!
  13. wildwoody

    New Swarovski BTX

    Got it
  14. wildwoody

    New Swarovski BTX

  15. wildwoody

    Auction tag

  16. wildwoody

    Rutting Coues

    Very cool, great pics
  17. wildwoody

    Shed Hunting

    You ain't Kansas anymore, just kidding deer usually in April, elk in march give or take a couple weeks in my minimal experience ..
  18. wildwoody


    Glad to have you back....
  19. wildwoody

    Swarovski 15x56 Non HD Like Brand New

    The going rate for used slc is $1100.00 to $1200.00
  20. wildwoody

    spring waterdogs

    Is big lake thawed??
  21. wildwoody

    spring waterdogs

    nice, I usually find them in one tank on the rim road but can't get in till April 15
  22. wildwoody

    Anyone try buing Point Guard lately

    No problem getting my wife's this year. I think its because they no you and the boys kill everything. Lol. Good olé game and fish
  23. wildwoody

    spring waterdogs

    Under the ice??